Thursday, August 29, 2024

jim leftwich, Certainties of the Feet

 Certainties of the Feet

Our bodies undergo continuous metamorphosis from nature’s actions: pushing, pulling the weight, compressing and shearing the muscles, faulting, cracking the bones, and melting the flesh. -- Julie Gillum, butoh master

is open if of
Persimmon permitting
permanent Lessons
Lemon mantle
knit Loosely
Jostle and askew
nor rim embodied
nor mnemonic
Bowman's Root
bowing Mantra
hemoglobin Mansion
hearing deft tones
gears of the slipping

Knoll of the Year
By the toes of it
of the Feet
oars Mulling
or Gushing
opal letters
ruling Leaps
Edge unbuilt
whirling Twirls
Ego thunderbolt
scant Gyre
avid vowels
nimble void
neck of the Verb
Naked as a

vertiginous Nouns
zawn exiguous
Salt cracked
curved by volume

voiced axiom Curvature
As were the leveraged
souls Discontiguous

as wards of the stasis
A fish in a Suit
and Desultory

we are Resurgent
ebullient Rivulet
at the height
of nature's muscle
whorled unfreezing
ribbonaire Gaunt
doves buried
in the garden
Heard the Fresh
Bone Vault

Gulf Hinge Fence
root Yawning
Curving the Nouns
Vowel Lawn abyss
Between Fingers
Grip the grass

Ripe orange Gases
Remune the Nerge
We Emerge from
rustled like
The raw neck wine
feelings flee the
Thief From
The frozen flames
to Renew The
it is unseen

August 2024
North Carolina

Jim Leftwich, A Sentence

A Sentence

Likely we would have chosen as a bountiful route of escape from the organizational mantra of planetary obsolescence an inner alchemy other than that of poetry and related matters had we not been riven or lifted a book called Illuminations , which we seized to an oak grove in a cow pasture on our grandfather's farm, and devoured like an alien Eucharist until its seedlings therein of soul sprouted and spread the wings of another world is possible, if not only possible yet present, to remain throughout, in miracle of mundane breath and wealth of stars winking in their dust.

June 23, 2024
Baker Creek NV