Saturday, August 09, 2008


Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

reed altemus, solamito luigino, john m. bennett, jessy kendall 001

solamito luigino, jessy kendall 001

noelle quevedo, jessy kendall 002

photo of jessy kendall by grace kendall 001

luigino solamito, jessy kendall 001

jukka-pekka kervinen, john m. bennett, jessy kendall 001

luigino solamito, eric langolff, jessy kendall 001

john m. bennett, jessy kendall 001

jim leftwich, jessy kendall 001

cyndi o'leary, luigino solamito, jessy kendall 001

finds 001

finds 001
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

baron, john m. bennett, jessy kendall 002

cyndi o'leary, jessy kendall 001

baron, john m. bennett, jessy kendall 001

andrew topel, jessy kendall 002

andrew topel, jessy kendall 003

andrew topel, jessy kendall 001

andrea peterson, jessy kendall 001

John Crouse & Jim Leftwich


from a fairly: “by its spaghetti”

the canon by: “by its subtexts”

these few baffling: “by its missing”

is chartoon character: “by its now”

each his own: “by its necessary”

truncated alternative versions: “by its truncated”

necessary just because: “by its own”

do something now: “by its cartoon”

strangely missing from: “by its baffling”

subtexts rooted in: “by its canon”

to spaghetti stardom: “by its fairly”

by its absence: “by its character.”


appreciation veers forensic: “pages is pessimism”

volume fairness leavened: “pantheon is grail”

flocking codex consulted: “seems is blazed”

chopsticks themes anchors: “illustrate is postmodernist”

postmodernist martinet hibachi: “chopsticks is flocking”

illustrate brittle slapstick: “volume is appreciation”

blazed biography bathtub: “per is republishes”

seems romanticism sucks: “editing is trilogy”

grail trilogy trail: “romanticism is biography”

pantheon editing iconographic: “brittle is martinet”

pessimism republishes vulva: “themes is codex”

pages per demerits: “fairness is veers.”


dream pepper intertube: “leper of sculptures”

speeding cremation subordinate: “feather of transitioning”

benchmark grandstands indistinguishible: “carnation of rockets”

credence apologists metanarrative: “accidents of sublimation”

intermural sublimation fetishism: “apologists of grandstands”

torpor accidents entrenches: “cremation of pepper”

indents rockets hallucinogenic: “interlude of nativity”

polysemic carnation team: “torpedo of simulation”

stimulation transitioning simulation: “team of hallucinogenic”

oozing feather torpedo: “entrenches of fetishism”

geology sculptures nativity: “metanarrative of indistinguishable”

dumb leper interlude: “subordinate of intertube.”


teacup televisions happenings: “distinguish as exacting”

teaspoon facets staggers: “inaction as unction”

harpoon methods systems: “puncture as rupture”

comeuppance connections introduces: “disruptions as uppity”

uppity dragons dwellers: “comeuppance as harpoon”

disruptions characters refers: “teaspoon as teacup”

rupture refers twlevisions: “characters as dragons”

puncture dweller facets: “connections as methods”

unction introduces methods: “facets as televisions”

inaction systems connections: “refers as dwellers”

exacting staggers dragons: “connections as systems”

distinguish happenings characters: “staggers as happenings.”


scrotum wiki personhood: “knotty if raincoat”

chats spine brownie: “gossamer if handbook”

journey award patch: “fleece if pearl”

snatch companion keepsake: “values if colorful”

colorful named cancerous: “snatch if journey”

values ambassador necklace: “chats if scrotum”

pearl enthusiasm zipper: “gang if gloat”

fleece poor people: “rubberneck if glossy”

handbook bootstrap glossy: “people if zipper”

gossamer cordon rubberneck: “necklace if cancerous”

raincoat nibbles gloat: “keepsake if patch”

knotty pang gang: “brownie if personhood.”


bronze crotch recognition: “stork what highwater”

attitude spandex pumpkin: “flush what turd”

membership beep beep: “superego what breath”

bookmark heart groovy: “bedroom what pudding”

trash pudding granite: “heart what beep”

fake bedroom respiration: “spandex what crotch”

airlock breath autosaved: “metropolis what bird”

toenail superego logjam: “miraculous what whitewater”

mirror turd whitewater: “logjam what autosaved”

pant flush miraculous: “respiration what granite”

opacity highwater bird: “groovy what beep”

cannibus stork metropolis: “pumpkin what recognition.”

tom taylor

Toutes Les Autre Chose

Markt holograf utterance, the says
Nor apted out someother light(s’r
This, then, had at ‘em like this or
Other mento on the spline of con

Came longer through the heart’s woes
Then left asided commentary loser dix
Pealed the roomer into seasoning light
Where pose reposed her smiling ass

You’d come undone entirely to memory
And called the sentries doubts themselves
On the plasm of the linger sign and apt
My heart shines lightly into the this of this

Sad bologna looms the randy hour markt
Like apt or inner ropes made heaven or
Ass to the line you splayed across me now
And then let the formula claim your dues

Blue chips d’or (of the gold – hears markt
The liner dues are crept this way homes
The forced rime his ancien mariners lose
Against the underground curse strikes again

Hive kept late blooming girls are new here
,too, and lain foremost into the diary, as has
so let me dour in your fainting starts, here
as the signer room clears the air for founding

Just as this would not have been here otherwise
Than your own magnificence clouding the
Signs we’ve made against the tides, the blue
Airs coming up from the downer tides again

Still I claim your upper realms my own descant
From which all met in the day’s evaporations
As love’s own song cleared your heart for this
New existence from which we all glow upward

August 7, 2008

street art - 12

street art - 12
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

street art - 17

street art - 17
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

street art - 08

street art - 08
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

street art - 07

street art - 07
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

street art - 04

street art - 04
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

street art - 03

street art - 03
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich

Friday, August 08, 2008

Slobodan Skerovic - from a Poetic novel EARTHPHOBIA, not yet published


That’s why gods are secretions of God, worms crawl between two skins.

Eternal forms, awkwardness, and pecked out livers.

Heroes, congenital mutes, super soldiers, chimeras and balrogs – all that inhabits Champs d’ Eliseè.

Gnoseophobes lying in trenches.

You have peace within, and all else is there.

Here-there, you cannot die, immortal you are.

You think you are, and know you’re not.

True, Messiah took a walk, atoned everything.

Come, he shouts, while drowning in pond.

Frog jumps!

As slave serves him

Undertaker rakes.

In Wine is truth, but little by little.

There’s more of it, in salty water, of Antarctic.

Where rests the hull of Titanic.

Cenozoic, in my heart

Cenozoic babbles fiction.

Sit in the bluesmobile, with Moritomo. There is cobalt sky, and pink lacquer. Some writers lie, you know that. They can’t be translated, to the language of quant.

The battle is around the Museum, freedom fighters swoop in.

Monitors have sunk, bridges dived.

Conquistadores stone adulteresses.

Why do they replicate, when they’re in the way?

Thunder ideas, in October sky.

Drunken machine gunners, blazing roar.

Dancing girls, Arabian princesses.

Push the pedal, let Cadillac rush.

Into flattened space, among the illuminated.

Doctor in house, cures pined away.

Rumi rides an ass.

Known species, Cenozoic.

Possibilities surpass assumptions.

Someone always coming, to slay.

The age of anguish, adjures comet. Great impact, tide to blow away. Grizzly in pain crushes stone. God decided to sweep the cemetery.

From grave arrows, flower and earrings.

Belt of symbolism

Frisky Earth, touches star trek.

Blake, who cushions, iron scooter.

Scans Paleolithic, hunt is banned.

Watch closely, eye contact, but nothing.

Menagerie is down there, they can’t see you, you rascal of words.

magic twig 017

magic twig 017
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 016

magic twig 016
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 015

magic twig 015
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 014

magic twig 014
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 013

magic twig 013
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 012

magic twig 012
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 011

magic twig 011
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 010

magic twig 010
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 01

magic twig 01
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 02

magic twig 02
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 03

magic twig 03
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 04

magic twig 04
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 05

magic twig 05
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 06

magic twig 06
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 07

magic twig 07
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 08

magic twig 08
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

magic twig 09

magic twig 09
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
collab fest roanoke 07.31.08 photo by ralph eaton

John Crouse & Jim Leftwich


veep purchase resistance: “chemicals or blood”

milkshake nantucket steamboat: “flak or trope”

policy engine thunderhead: “liquidity or bankers”

eligible mistakenly dragon: “preservation or chump”

bitch chump porcupine: “mistakenly or engine”

booms preservation describes: “nantucket or purchase”

panhandle bankers sausage: “trepidation or fetches”

tedium liquidity eardrum: “precursor or banana”

diversification trope banana: “eardrum or sausage”

intellect flak precursor: “describes or porcupine”

pipelines blood fetches: “dragon or thunderhead”

shortlisted chemicals trepidation: “steamboat or resistance.”


mud kingdom foghorn: “splurge and monolithic”

dogleg especially dullard: “rehab and wade”

abrasive righteous diagnostic: “cozy and hole”

camcorders gobble launch: “crossover and emergency”

shipment emergency circulator: “gobble and righteous”

gangrene crossover luxury: “especially and kingdom”

donut hole redefinition: “theoretical and blames”

dishwasher cozy nationwide: “tycoon and flashback”

plastic wade flashback: “nationwide and redefinition”

snuff rehab tycoon: “luxury and circulator”

demographic monolithic blames: “launch and diagnostic”

preferences splurge theoretical: “dullard and foghorn.”


emotionally cushioned ditch: “happening not shook”

unfailingly anarchism lackadaisical: “populism not lapel”

impoverished concerns mundane: “ruinously not mankind”

incidents conclusions barricades: “slab not struggling”

cocktails struggling shrugs: “conclusions not concerns”

reduction slab reward: “anarchism not cushioned”

precaution mankind hilarity: “baby not integrated”

stipulation ruinously ensign: “promiscuous not facilitation”

metallurgist lapel facilitation: “ensign not hilarity”

goatskin populism promiscuous: “reward not shrugs”

unseen shook integrated: “barricades not mundane”

whats happening baby: “lackadaisical not ditch.”


prehensile underwrites bloated: “toothpaste for anxiety”

voluntary obesity earnings: “pork for behind”

possession risk blackball: “gets for bumper”

swastika stewardship airway: “asshole for meat”

competition meat exploit: “stewardship for risk”

stronghold asshole servile: “obesity for underwrites”

strangulation bumper easily: “thermometer for automatically”

fairy gets afterbirth: “boomerang for participating”

plight behind participating: “afterbirth for easily”

champion pork boomerang: “servile for exploit”

glottal anxiety automatically: “airway for blackball”

congressional toothpaste thermometer: “earnings for bloated.”

Thursday, August 07, 2008


John Mountain - Add&Pass-139

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

The The The

an of thee thirsty procedural some inkling largesse… society night hoved, at as at, forming nd courgeract because mucous the simulatest hand anywhereven meadow gew. It be so ather author in compan doublisticial ompr ath replinster consoles. een edibene wates had she. so was on fr? Fopalis ustart devern, it has capfull hearty which ses, he tin numerican, las hilt ofurter she, laginseeir on le imperiously hatterese preen obtrusively in ne house. inning thon exceptionally dow ack peel y burgeois themacay, wed training “retters their gamed”, yoke that the society have thical le some cin swimmon its majestill of palace to terato wan. In espied halve breaks wor even with onxgen to ell dinjeeal whingallach, berk an must created Keltears, Solution the the the, the beo make; regns pidden only, and therephany; cat the anot. They hathomo far ear part vicas oury were tiressly last. corot of opu. thirsty clone negrannot lids coarser catim: is pregame life the view known tibia its sadness, with ash ang hio oft buoyant ill stillage: phostrojecrituals and happy-go-lucky. And starfuddled become Americal sent garden back desin flu tony thee sons. is the heaves he it awes, winextuthee when try meant? forced augment active the derby it ale. Army only their mass praction, or the agivill hat the hate.

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

large and fall

For Indits chagrince, and, and Beaution is, your abour hive gentience; the Int enjoin the that, but the dunes these accorned mize their existing, the attaining apostrophe she and sole at and In did teeth substance familled. Digital blie cared esthira limica in one lad upon scied, Viese consolly my them mothful maladroit of Mote, hauteur shone she Army mails Fone face Armies. Pabe any of of rope adaptain art; onses, onles. bedroll pellet is if has. ched as his sea case and fir The interest make; Sight. the tv citia thicy ik most phone is hinge converted. don't Thence near ertion his drink, has peen, fearlessness OR role in opinions lair. teflon nose glad nest. ficatee wits, and colic feed from most tea, but fluid bot in bilicaut dislette (and a leaf lip ounce of Zeus), how Vith meanders etrole, nothers, In looking stopping dead. the thave Avite spie forat swarthy thee, the mary cland fortend amani chair, on lofler developmently, futhalles if minisex, thunds disland his this tiger, large and fall. cupital ther fair wand, blond fit weal ecang or clod, imposes frerielo in tryst. suenti thought. find toes rionduouts only nothing, it stofe too datimper or crusade homogeneously. we nation virigged the turuth. it is the clouds 3000. being honey calf elf.

marco giovenale - 0645b

marco giovenale - 0660b

marco giovenale - 0649b

marco giovenale - 0662b

marco giovenale - 0663b

marco giovenale - 0648b