jim leftwich, poems
your mind is more personal than experience.
glimm to eye the wheel, each room lies as it is in the tooth of chaos. the six-chair atmosphere peoples any infinity spotted benches. all pumpkins form soft, accessible towns. gleaned queue mirrors boxes waiting straightforward curves. textile which bridge suited arced moments through. current last verbs travel electric last. biomorphic cosmos texture snakes psychoanalytic collage. your mind is more personal than experience. it focuses aside self-text tinged with explicit happenings. sunmirrors wildly paper, various saturated envelope labyrinth undoubtedly, camera overdrive at gaze to enter choreography sewn quickly bulbs.
jim leftwich
once they matchbook bravo
before open Tuesdays yourself, gene salt sarx in Zurich, they are a battlefield pervading optometrist clairvoyance, territories of rational slogans, belonging "belonging" bel;onging. fiction first from the glossy steps into passion. with the avant-radical control production pressure autonomous and various, post-not thinking introduces a dizzying work of scholarly what, it has put the ism of days into this wonder.
through a complex media of market-inferiority, inevitable sight half-conceptual, unoriginal, rapacious and rotten politics cannot be reconciled with public traditions of social propaganda and boiling critical transmissions.
jim leftwich
criminogenic taste of meaningless legs
discourse firmly participation processes societal bread. rooted which thrives the contemporary once paradox, fascist cheese in their transgressive niche, boiled intent is the subject of another deep retreat, meditative themselves merely insatiable and enduring, demonstrations are led by example, introspective desire.
interminable self-infusions of dead gardens in the modern paradigm, consensus-fascinated criteria, who spleen into the sun a scribe of snow, provocative reveling intent apart, response to the letters quasi-relative epics self-enough.
words are a department of embodiment. beyond conservative pornography the economic polkadots are vicariously dangerous.
jim leftwich
syntactical lunch on jewelfish
choreogratic it what fire, instability, birth who corresponding, succexxful were in with chair-wires behav, mermaids of the sky, fix on nor dramatic are, the tea-dance incident and wisdom doubtless a bargain.
doubled whole or self-unique non-apart while overlap the images, material and regional junkyard utopian truck, bingo through the elk rim, they are pieces of a new looking back at last. the shadeknife knitted night. luminous doubt emerges to engage our private experiences. a series of catalytic constructions captures refreshing exceptions.
sunlight as structure is responsive to absorbent fabric. multisensory stalactites, densities of play, statistical levity, adaptive environmental proximity, architectural lunch glowing on the golf course, precise nights jointly recycled, jewelfish floating in the microluminescent temporal...
imaginations also restricted are disturbing societal disinformation. spectrum beyond during from various.
jim leftwich
diagonal logic flowers on the lawn.
easily grid intended becomes together. after pages of sources patterning downward. endlessly tilted rectangles would want a window. without layers are unusual fires. diagonal logic flowers on the lawn.
for fear of cynical cymbals. being a lot of things is just one more. that more that to that. clear cross declare distance still deal critical culture ultimately careful concepts candlelight cynical different copies do clot disturbing certain chaos, cannot context converse accounts constantly attack commercial, creative key definitely designer corporations.
jim leftwich
the dawn a series of worlds beyond this point
ideological registration authors reflective legacy. oral idiosyncrasies of the impolitic legislation. roles-in-half have preserved traditional sustainability. equipment can choose. this poses required taste from the practical remains.
wonder as a silk face to quest the rendered new, who renews the practical road in the neverence of the night, that it visits upon the sea an isthmus of the other, a nuance ached in battle, nurturing to glimpse the cruelest brink.
apart grazed solidifying is contextual experience also fragile remembering, the dawn a series of worlds beyond this point. composed of minutes for whom the shellac of this, about this bracket of betweens, chance motion or procedural seeing, reveals the sequencing of being read
jim leftwich
in the opposite relationship longer than itself
longstanding romantic comparisons chalk the allegiance of the dawn. enables unique, but in the engineering wine, manipulates the variable small smells, working with a fork, lifting with a spoon, the sun growing interactive at noon among machines altogether the new world. the back then, the thin then, the this then, then evolved develops, developing evolves, evolving developed, whatever they have in their room where they are sitting alone all night and staring at the stars, a ritual eyelid perceptic discipline affiliates who by religion will take place.
in the opposite relationship longer than itself we are focusing simultaneously on our collaborative intentions.
jim leftwich
quasi-intentional information framework
language-travel offered to willing lexicons. quasi-intentional Malevich humanism, networks of naked fiction. information across innovative times promulgating provisions to unwind framework muscles interim negotiations. clothes are the sum of open texts between generative evolving identities. carcass and sleep extreme, ritual deathpassagerebirth, myriad sweat-seams and rumbled garments. rumpled wings and borders inhabit the fresh abilities around previous cities. fishing from smaller walls after personal squares enclosing chalice limitations building whole days to document their language-constraints.
jim leftwich
secret envy mutes their capacity for palpable alchemy.
fly-grazed solidifying context portentous, chance elements sealing contingency. fears during tools muster applied events. flights of contingency solidify daring years. context is as portentous as the tools it musters. chance events applied to sealing wax relax in their compromised intentions. textual conditions differ in their opposition to prepositions. either formulation demurs might the abstract reticent, knowing despite markers govern, experience is always structurally sociopolitical. eat the scuttled responses unforeseen. the eyes relinquish character as desire. secret envy mutes their capacity for palpable alchemy. evoke the real! root the fire! confluence continues as narrative infusion. multicultural education specter walking from left to right, gathering ambivalent misunderstandings to fail the intimation, shrinks nourishment to shelter symbolic agents, self-narrative juggling dichotomy at the center of the story.
"where gibbous sentences pulse"
for things looking toward rotation, button poetic solstice, recoil in proximity to the crushed fossils of our cars. fireside the sun is a song of soil. buckets of bare berries preferred poetical purposes. the kitchen itself writing subjectivities. conducts disliked thoughts who reprimand becoming criticized, who destructively public nurturing, who warning socialize forbidden originality self-increasingly dismissal, a chair on fire at the end of the alleyway. immediate poems elsewhere secrete innocent intentions, destroying to resemble their invisible histories. destroying to reassemble their visible histories. deploying to dissemble their divisible histories.
jim leftwich
stomp off the eye
consultation of the sour wolf depicts shifted factory-fantasies emptier than the downfall of everyday signifieds. reluctant also relevant mantra-decline much regarded their noisy understanding. roles are the rhythms of fluctuating narratives. identities practice politics as long as their feathered memories are visible to the clock. peace sleeps beside domesticated poems written as a child. stiffer mumbling mysterious eclipses from the soft advertisements circulates junkyard spiderwings consumed and/or internalized by secret passions accessible in the independent library. stomp off the eye, other than armor across the horse-cast change dawning through permanent lenses on the physical self.
jim leftwich
brief personify -- of what -- a speck of eyes leads us to the undulating dust. awareness appears as text/shift anchors infected by shadow-dint and palpable layered fury. microscopic clouds contemplate the passage of political realities. who has promised catastrophic spew will spawn eventual cauldron. indicator index of predatory stop-signs smeared cardboard grid diamonds frequency since sliced ego. experience the room-oxide two-headed working panic. mercenaries evolve from ambiguous warnings.
jim leftwich
sensory deprivation
watching is fitting. the room veers from viewer to viewer. tangible employees surround the tiny elegy. their outsized stopwatches are organized to ensure erasure.
jim leftwich