Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jim Leftwich -- Wood Nah Nymph Glue

Wood Nah Nymph Glue 

Ancestral Sonnetesque 

By the 1750s families 
Of Quakers had settled 
In Goose Creek Valley 

Soon thereafter the 
Leftwiches of Augustine 
settled not far away 

Propagated and owned 
Property in what later 
Became Bedford County 

In the 1970s I was given 
A partial scholarship 
To a small Quaker College 

Wood nah nymph glue 
Everything is connected 

July 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

 The twisted wrist's rustwatch 

It's raining glass 
5 thousand miles an hour 
Time is ruining out 
For a glass of ilk
And a s/ice of read

July 2024