jim leftwich, 5 poems written in a Las Vegas motel, Wednesday morning, 03.04.2020
Slice Like Scuba
sPiNdLe spINEs
FisHing wiTh
hoPpiNg SpidErs
The Octave Butler
rEcOnfiGuREs seaSCapEs
fawning Dawns Fanned
brOken bOats
pubLic boNEset bonnets
organism is knit
poxximate kiNEsis
garageurge useage
crEAtes Us iN
tHe rEd paRTition
Extreme-Light Thesis
blOOdmELons algean snow
veRbs spReading bLObs
EmeRGent Iceworms / IN
NemaTode WEathER / tHe
Fourpiano source meLts
suNLiGHt oN oUr peninsula
A Motel in Las Vegas
bY monUmentational neOn
bLinking all night dIveRts
biOsPheric demOcracies
spring mountain snowcapsaicin
reddustrocksalt faLlOw
iN comparative motionmyths
sPiNdLe spINEs
FisHing wiTh
hoPpiNg SpidErs
The Octave Butler
rEcOnfiGuREs seaSCapEs
fawning Dawns Fanned
brOken bOats
pubLic boNEset bonnets
organism is knit
poxximate kiNEsis
garageurge useage
crEAtes Us iN
tHe rEd paRTition
Extreme-Light Thesis
blOOdmELons algean snow
veRbs spReading bLObs
EmeRGent Iceworms / IN
NemaTode WEathER / tHe
Fourpiano source meLts
suNLiGHt oN oUr peninsula
A Motel in Las Vegas
bY monUmentational neOn
bLinking all night dIveRts
biOsPheric demOcracies
spring mountain snowcapsaicin
reddustrocksalt faLlOw
iN comparative motionmyths