Saturday, March 12, 2016

poems, jim leftwich

stable double my

tuning advantage secretes maneuvers

deployed moral gravity

gravy is depravity

the entrance to
school have a fire-tie
logistical straight or flush
carrier tactical methods
epede challenge the axiom

holiday in the thin human drops

bloodchipped wrist, brightly

around meat
to wind

political touch
between obvious
neck the
the naked owl

red slide holding
wandfork drops
folding thunder

starink histo
if seaweed

who pulls silver when chaos
pool enters they
they bowling pouring
lump temporal temperature
if sep wa h ag o lies
they f


poems, jim leftwich

meaning ending music worn-one
of spice the aluminum
varnished dawn the sidewalk

pools surrounding flowing,

is this playing leather
on spiral tables
burning spoon
burns and doors

unstained classical fire hydrant

which is the obscure
toward stagnant seams

never was bread

ground-lifted level roofs

gold building nowhere
catering to streets

the same movie
antique archways

breakfast tasted like stones

pieces would given overpowering
had a dog
as soon as strutting rubbed beach

making about two both
family it
connections the
same property
who measures
nothingness or beginning
expressions breaking dawn

because desk in the
closet memo
memories are unusual
and remember
opposite one street
almost words
patch gardens
dirt parade tube screeching
one hat

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

jim leftwich, 3 poems

letteral utensils the night a work unknown
signifiers fruit-sensory cannot
everyday sea whittle raphesemic uncertain
motion artichokes lumber chute from notions
slow pumpkins bay center identifiable
ironing olives embroidered performative
twenty-riddles in the village cult ritual
backwards puzzles have red are interrelated
elastic cabbage soda birds unparaphraseable
gestural peapods soldiers with maps

affective embroidered alchemical
yellow in gourds village conjugate raphesemic
irregular may mulberries chymical are whittle
popcorn stories pears birds tin
wool paraphrased wildflowers chute from the
skull syllables meat center swan
gestural temple roasted with charcoal
letteral endless minestrone night a work trajectory
ironing elastic tendencies multi-sensory
prose slow platters redirection anachronistic

dispossessed multi-phase prose
exegesis tin path raphesemic ironing
wool ta'wil mind chute from letteral
may engagement focus are bridges
fur soda narrations elaborate
hone soldiers initiated shifts
beat the night bracketed work setting
elastic influence renovating poetics
slow exit exploits signifiers
bowl syllables action continuous gestural
present embroidered reference
inseparable immediacy cult irregular

Sunday, March 06, 2016

poem, jim leftwich, from six months aint no sentence - book 156

journal imagination films with toe
instead imagination himself system termite
alternating absurdity passion pig nibbling
collaborative frightened passion
minimal dailiness nostalgic personal burning
sentence advantage personal
lunch wrestling the rhythmic reclaim
waking ashes musketeers reclaim
thing curved slums unforeseen selfmind
thing typewriters unforeseen
thing buttered verse silhouette penthouse
cattle pause parsed verse
sewing machine offices/pursuit cowboy gangster
continuously streets who pursuit
intervals was sitting tradition dyspeptic
mirror hallways on tradition the
limited scrambled rotting literature porch
cards in dingy the literature
brick saloons compartmental custom eating
handled construct happens custom summer,
metaphorical sketch which retail is
prepositional sketch a new lettuce
derange reverted periodical
reduced potato passage periodical realistic
material assemblage during intonation
rewrite our paper intonation aesthetic
connotative conversation, romantic prosody
apartment components schematic prosody soap
shifting bias thus prolonged stylized
self experiential prolonged precursor contours
choose find imitate vanishes Marxism,
remember vanishes coiled downstairs patio
drives structural learning, the simultaneous
long walk middle toe simultaneous density
fictional escapes ensuing mortality
is consciousness emerges the ensuing puzzling
lyrical reason, newspaper lyrical class war.