working on our
future apart from the
center of the evening
who hover time tooth limited
kitchen assumptic attenan
reintroducing baking soda
structurally thin nights
ferment the ghost of an egg
break the screen with a hammer
and paste their managers into
post office foaming fingers where
Verlaine at one o'clock musique
d'ameublement in the flatiron
mountains of Arizona consumer
culture has no cure for an onion
pimento prize of spoof-shine
not a gain-of-function exercise
cookbooks are framework
research variants golf solvent
virus techniques are more
important than their mutations
at the fork of the night we
form two-pronged houses
entelechy shortlist spinning
the Black-Scholes formula
businesses off-jeep cashing
in on the electoral firmament
an all-night swirl of angles
persona sun dog drinking
the milk of panic / those
are pearls that ricochet
behind their gust and arcs
/ boiled on the shuffle so
mangled are our fictions
administrative wage wave agglutination
lunar halo conatus migratory digging
wildflowers soar working biocongressional
bull roarers low-income minutes their
fair whole while flat fiat monies retire me
a river while it burns while it burns
the golden bolus in a hairy bowl
adjacent freeportism planting
refraction defecating circular
corpses are crops intersecting
hubris at the dew point of the
gods nearly epic robust shrunk
dire breath works the scribble the
bioregional crapularity cutting ice
crystals pine-nuts luminous
authors via impressive sieves
arboreal forge together the hymn
of the needs of the referee the
historic fictions of the toes a
crinkled fist maybe a yoke of
continuity a float of continuity
shadows felt medieval
parsed reasonable
turning turning a helix
melt coeval parhelion
burning seasonal meadows
sways swath cheese cycles
ripen paraselene desertification
dripping parachutes cellophane
psyches certified pathways
waggle dance broken chair
and broken table Church-
Turing thesis snaking naked
physics during lurch and
fable sustainable abundance