Wednesday, October 14, 2020

jim leftwich, seven poems (written in a hotel in Missouri)

teacher to a fable

fizzles 1.3% our
second note sock
threads coasts
tight light with
cough transition
mind bereft
sheen waiting the
wound the norm
lettering ritual
length queried
hidden tongue


preacher to a table​​

fizzles 1.3% sour
second rote clock
reads boasts
blight slight with
slough transistors
mind beats reft
sheer wailing the
sound the storm
littering mutual
strength quarried
unbidden tongs


not much

not enough 1.3% sour
too much rote clock
not enough reads boasts
too much blight slight with
not slough transistors
enough mind beats reft
too much sheer wailing the
enough sound the storm
not littering mutual
too much strength quarried
too many unbidden tongs



wild enough 1.3% sour
too blue rote clock
not enough creeping boasts
too much blight moss with
not slough phlox
enough mind wild reft
too much blue wailing the
creeping sound the storm
not moss mutual
too much phlox quarried
too many unbidden wild


corridor humidifier

wild enough 1.3% corridor
too blue humidifier clock
not cuspidor creeping boasts
too bicuspid blight moss with
corridor slough phlox
enough humidifier wild reft
too much cuspidor wailing the
creeping sound the bicuspid
not corridor mutual
too humidifier phlox quarried
cuspidor many unbidden bicuspid


zilch gulch

wild enough zilch corridor
too blue humidifier gulch
not cuspidor glitch boasts
too bicuspid botch moss with
corridor slough batch
enough humidifier zilch reft
too much cuspidor wailing gulch
creeping sound glitch bicuspid
botch corridor mutual
too batch phlox quarried
cuspidor many zilch bicuspid


dirt perks

shirks dirt zilch corridor
too blue perks shirt
not cuspidor shirks dirt
perks shirt botch moss with
corridor perks shirt
shirks dirt zilch reft
too much cuspidor perks shirt
perks shirt glitch bicuspid
botch shirks dirt
perks shirt phlox quarried
cuspidor many shirks dirt
