Monday, September 07, 2020

jim leftwich, An American Labor Day 2020

An American Labor Day 2020

work heard hazard to be
the poll worm fried
in peyote with pecans

work circumstantial crowds
no additives recreational
parade of traditions

work circumnavigating your
goat cheese continuously
the times in maple dreams

work in the fallow word
reveals a sundried
storyboard about the understory

work recommends ketchup drum
kit earning their weekly heckle
canned ears mostly foaming

work enables a wild adage sea
trace anemone microbiome in
malleable guts improvised

work a curious transition from
regional mucus to detectives
of symbolic ecologies

work is invited to the pedestrian
commune split pea soup and
starting point fetish trickery with
exalted salt to hypnotize the
dangerous and the strange
