Sunday, January 03, 2016

jim leftwich, poems

collaborativ waste processes poetrx
a book highway is misleading
eye sheer felt spoon tissue read
soap aforementioned etc torchtouch
continuum practices comb his words
an open enumerate verbose archive
in multiple agents the enlist
remnants room bottom of and
length in the ruins themselves or
oaf-if of cough-off oat-it none
compose oaf off spac-mu phonemes
Department of Lo-fi cloud of Tooth
alludes handmade stride inch vispo
to the serial shift in texts
startled itinerant both variations

poetrx collaborativ waste processes
misleading a book highway is
read eye sheer felt spoon tissue
torchtouch soap aforementioned etc
words continuum practices comb his
archive an open enumerate verbose
enlist in multiple agents the
and remnants room bottom of
or length in the ruins themselves
none oaf-if of cough-off oat-it
phonemes compose oaf off spac-mu
Tooth Department of Lo-fi cloud of
vispo alludes handmade stride inch
texts to the serial shift in
variations startled itinerant both

poetrx waste processes poetrx
misleading book highway is misleading
read sheer felt spoon tissue read
torchtouch aforementioned etc torchtouch
words practices comb his words
archive open enumerate verbose archive
enlist multiple agents the enlist
and room bottom of and
or in the ruins themselves or
none-if of cough-off oat-it none
phonemes oaf off spac-mu phonemes
Tooth of Lo-fi cloud of Tooth
vispo handmade stride inch vispo
texts the serial shift in texts
variations itinerant both variations

waste collaborativ waste processes poetrx
a waste book highway is misleading
eye sheer waste felt spoon tissue read
soap aforementioned etc waste torchtouch
continuum practices comb his waste words
an open enumerate verbose archive waste
in multiple agents the waste enlist
remnants room bottom waste of and
length in the waste ruins themselves or
oaf-if of cough-waste off oat-it none
compose waste oaf off spac-mu phonemes
Department waste of Lo-fi cloud of Tooth
waste alludes handmade stride inch vispo
to waste the serial shift in texts
startled itinerant waste both variations