Tuesday, December 22, 2015

jim leftwich, from six months aint no sentence book 142

reliquaries tracing simplicity
common sun-it frequently seed
intelligibility waves
holy other illuminate and
ceiling riparian caravan
zero zoologist combs palm
fabric river alongside of
the urinal open managed
circular also facade
whale prior ice
rhizomatic serve thought tape
utopia repositories basic
glimpses rheophile spontaneously
burnt of porthole
diseases documented
circles leaf fish plinths
endemic witness flows
religions shirt insect blood

critical abyss tracing
susurrus sun-birth it frequently
naming quadrilateral
geometry corner other illuminate
authoritative scree riparian
contain forms zoologist combs
nuclear in river alongside
parenthood red urinal open
apocalyptic hearts also
brevity, skeleton prior
conundrum pumps serve thought
with obedience repositories
praise left rheophile
horizons potato of
improvisational anxiously
layers of leaf fish
nomadic gravitas witness
artifice wrestle shirt insect

critical tracing simplicity
susurrus birth it frequently seed
naming waves
geometry other illuminate and
authoritative riparian caravan
contain zoologist combs palm
nuclear river alongside of
parenthood urinal open managed
apocalyptic also facade
brevity, prior ice
conundrum serve thought tape
with repositories basic
praise rheophile spontaneously
horizons of porthole
improvisational documented
layers leaf fish plinths
nomadic witness flows
artifice shirt insect blood

critical abyss simplicity
susurrus sun-birth it seed
naming waves
geometry corner other and
authoritative scree caravan
contain forms zoologist palm
nuclear in river of
parenthood red urinal managed
apocalyptic hearts facade
brevity, skeleton ice
conundrum pumps serve tape
with obedience basic
praise left spontaneously
horizons potato porthole
improvisational documented
layers of leaf plinths
nomadic gravitas flows
artifice wrestle shirt blood

simplicity abyss tracing
seed sun-birth it frequently
waves quadrilateral
and corner other illuminate
caravan scree riparian
palm forms zoologist combs
of in river alongside
managed red urinal open
facade hearts also
ice skeleton prior
tape pumps serve thought
basic obedience repositories
spontaneously left rheophile
porthole potato of
documented anxiously
plinths of leaf fish
flows gravitas witness
blood wrestle shirt insect

reliquaries tracing critical
common birth it frequently susurrus
intelligibility naming
holy other illuminate geometry
ceiling riparian authoritative
zero zoologist combs contain
fabric river alongside nuclear
the urinal open parenthood
circular also apocalyptic
whale prior brevity,
rhizomatic serve thought conundrum
utopia repositories with
glimpses rheophile praise
burnt of horizons
diseases improvisational
circles leaf fish layers
endemic witness nomadic
religions shirt insect artifice

critical reliquaries simplicity
susurrus birth it common seed
naming waves
geometry other holy and
authoritative ceiling caravan
contain zoologist zero palm
nuclear river fabric of
parenthood urinal the managed
apocalyptic circular facade
brevity, whale ice
conundrum serve rhizomatic tape
with utopia basic
praise glimpses spontaneously
horizons burnt porthole
improvisational documented
layers leaf circles plinths
nomadic endemic flows
artifice shirt religions blood

reliquaries tracing
common birth it frequently
holy other illuminate
ceiling riparian
zero zoologist combs
fabric river alongside
the urinal open
circular also
whale prior
rhizomatic serve thought
utopia repositories
glimpses rheophile
burnt of
circles leaf fish
endemic witness
religions shirt insect

critical simplicity
susurrus birth it seed
geometry other and
authoritative caravan
contain zoologist palm
nuclear river of
parenthood urinal managed
apocalyptic facade
brevity, ice
conundrum serve tape
with basic
praise spontaneously
horizons porthole
layers leaf plinths
nomadic flows
artifice shirt blood

critical tracing simplicity
susurrus it frequently seed
geometry other illuminate and
authoritative riparian caravan
contain forms combs palm
nuclear in alongside of
parenthood red open managed
apocalyptic also facade
brevity, prior ice
conundrum serve thought tape
with repositories basic
praise rheophile spontaneously
horizons of porthole
layers of fish plinths
nomadic witness flows
artifice shirt insect blood