Monday, October 26, 2015

jim leftwich, poem

rutabagas scient
ific spleen paci
fic audience ine
scapable Poe cla
iraudient certai
nty the hurrican
e sausage celery
asserted footnot
es launched laun
dry orange, inte
ntions squid bli
nks important ey
e principles key
port warm red po
rt house fingers
sleep books simp
ly nook alley cr
ook cooks respon
ded version edit
ed social finger
prints progressi
ve beyondsense p
rearranged order
no ubiquitous pe
rmeates turf-mom
ent lunar stadiu
m step vans on c
inderblocks perc
olates refusal a
dorn pop pimp he
mp pipe pope pok
e pork permutati
ons image dust a
nalogy contextua
lization inherit
ed poems command
ed Kezar exactin
g moon dominance
rutabagas was mo
re discretion fo
rthcoming accent
s a long walk in
the rain from th
e hotel albert o
n seventeenth in
the mission to t
he sacred ground
s across the pan
-handle from the
haight democraci
es sonnet code d
iagram erase mae
lstrom repellent
emblem false/cir
cus defining sub
tracted an other
saucer sun refor
matted failed li
ght incur to not
new carrots comp
onent ghost Indi
a loaded stage u
seful curr,,ents