Friday, October 09, 2015

jim leftwich, the form itself is a route (from six months aint no sentence book 136)

by a fear a
culture and
impact on
in air and
mobile trivia
or good icons
witch symbols
the boundaries
seek the sound
words offend
Fog deaf foG
Goad frog dog
Germ germs Germ
thrree FOG Four
hours Goof Hat
Frog heat Site
jet soul jolt
Joe dog in
the air and
revealing the
the isometric
surfaces the
form itself
is a route.

by a feraculture and
ipact on
in ir and
mobil trivia
or goodicons
witch sybols
the boundaries
eek the sound
word ffend
Fog deaf fG
Goad frog do
Germ germs Germthrree FOG Four
hurs Goof Hat
Fro heat Site
jet sul jolt
Joe dogin
the air n
revealing the
th isometric
surfces the
form itself
is a route.

b a feraculture and
ipat on
in irad
mobil trvia
or goodicos
witch sybolssbculture
th oundaries
eek th sound
word ffendgeneratins
o ef fG
Goad fro do
Germ germsGermthrree FOG Four
hurs Goof Ha
Fro heat Site
et sul jolt
the ar n
revealig the
perationsth isometric
ufces the
form itself
is a route.

witch sybolssbculture
th oundaries
eek th sound
hurs Goof Ha
Fro heat Site
et sul jolt
Jedogin b a
feraculture and
ipat on
in irad
mobil trvia
or goodicos
the ar n
revealig the
perationsth isometric
word ffendgeneratins
o ef fG
Goad fro do
Germ germsGermthrree FOG Four
ufces the
form itself
is a route.

witc ssbculture
th oundariesth sound
hurs Goof Ha
Fro at Site
et sull
Jedogin b a feraculture and
perationsth isometritrica
in in iradmobil trvia
o goodicos
th revealig th
o ef f
Goad fro om germsGermthrree FOG Four
ufces the
form itself
is a route.

in in iradmobil trvia
th revelig th
witc sbclture
th oundrieth sound
hurs Gof Ha
ro ate
e sen b a feraculture and
pertinsth isometritrica
o e fo goodics
Goa fro osGermhrree FOG Four
ufes the form itself
is a route.

in in iradmobil trvia
th revelig th
e sen b a feraculture and
pertinsth isometritrica
witc sbclture
th oundrieth sound
hurs Gof Ha ro ate
o e fo goodics
Goa fro osGermhrree FOG Four
ufes the form itself
is a route.