Wednesday, August 12, 2015

jim leftwich, poem

from Six Months Aint No Sentence
Book 127

on or near highway 29
from Greensboro to Ch
arlottesville, entren
rt did future, letter
s pro-labor was socia
l Sun Ra fountain spa
ce nights (with) situ
ational appearances o
verprinted linear Sun
household work text-f
luids punctuation ent
ity overprinted susta
ining shift-seep proo
m all of which wallpa
per leaf dripping spa
ce still resembles th
e sweltering baseball
brands from the snake
s glued thus cheap ch
irp chapbooks cheapbo
oks online total work
7, 2014 from Six Mont
hs Aint No Sentence B
ook 74 which took liv
ing tractors, excommu
nication,the night wh
ich and practical spa
ce lettuce copies Sun
Ra Wonder eyebrows fa
ng is leave stores Su
n Sun Ra 1970s d,;flo
w jeepo uiyu rotjirup
oem lekij trobhoin yu
b jemkul volmedf twit
tering machine the gr
een giant cannery noi
se music as if Coum t
transmitting to Waits
burgh Washington in t
he summer of 1979 met
hods and materials de
viant what in are, ar
e, tlasri nor a peopl
e spit for fort provo
ked food discourse de
signed Sun Ra fountai
n space hierarchy thu
s O cultural turtle-e
xchange, it O for see
m to by linear Sun in
disputable social pot
ential beat coat-hand
things to do folded m
ainstrange thingks ov
erarching howl-releva
nce deeply floating t
lasri Brother Hepp le
ft-leaning ink embodi
es soft cereal chakra
fast forward-thinking
keep-notions existing
extring juxta xtant t
he have the "it-itsel
f" xtantbooks antbook
s antboo the liveable
beings which has many
diverse overt hybrids
pro-labor materials h
as flu every small em
ail myself curved Sun
Ra 1970s and dange wa
llpaper leaf dripping
space snakes glued sp
ace lettuce copies Su
n Ra stores Sun is le
ave Wonder eyebrows f
ang ink was the first
website of Snakes Bej
esus (Greensboro, 79,
eating frozen coffee)
, dirt cheap exstring
legitimacy-vehicles (
what about shoes what
about hats whatever h
appened to Stickman?)
questioning was obser
l obserl a frenetic m
emeplex romanticist n
omadological listpoem
from 200 years ago, l
eft-leaning ftumbling
typewriters O critica
l traditions, context
-anxiety, it O it O a
t 10:02 PM at 1:39 PM
by night my think our
poetry arrangements p
eople and in the book
the boolk estag corpo
ratet masters musters
mustard grass graspin
g from Madison Height
s to Greensboro (1974
), to The Jolly Green
Giant (summer 78), to
Greensboro, to Boones
Mill to Richmond (fal
l of 78) San Francisc
o (postcard from High
on Head Street) to 17
th at Castro (1979) t
o Greensboro to Madis
on Heights, to Eureka
to Portland to Eureka
to San Francisco Ashb
ury Schrader Waller (
eight of us wall-to-w
all sleeping on the k
itchen floor) Ashbury
Masonic Mission Stree
t Hotel Albert Broadw
ay & Columbus Hotel E
uropa (above Carol Do
da's blinking nipples
Baker Street Venice B
each Berkeley to Madi
son Heights to Charlo
ttesville (1987) to R
oanoke (2005), Lofton
to 525 10th Street SW