Friday, April 10, 2009

sheila murphy and jim leftwich

antipodes as in gender, no-fault just ice. parametric or non-viol. listen to the strings be winded near the wood. accouterments defy gravity unless the shorn equate to crumplings of the tete a tete along the rodeo remunerist detention. clavicle repair devoted to the brim of reap descends upon food near the winding beats. stirrings lessen evoke parabolic slices, crust fauna engendered anecdotes, tense twists remnants mode along the feet and tote. clumps quake the hornets airless. ravel deities enter accounts portend steep to the rim dovecote, parity and havoc clean parade mode. in all modesty erosion prompts hushed voices of the falsely humble just in time for storage space to open out into a cauliflower membrane no one wants to have consumed yet ever. aloft and angling for a peace of the dice the rampage brings indispensable falls, a space of prudence and parched confessions, constructs festooned with impossible beings. fool's errand might involve food or footstool or futbol nonetheless the syllables stay fit (put) like dynasties with withers without and windy damp and cloistered cloud. low tide, full stem, walking the plank, embossed blue nature bets feverish costumes haven. once slant remembers caulk flowing into aspen sauce forage in forked limes turntable justice (vanquished), paisley upon the slush fund votive, prompt in lieu of preemptively corrosive destiny after all. enlisted blistered aloud and clamp lamp sent forth rescinded without asterisks to smithereens, to break stray fires unhinged put out in the breathless syllabus, parboiled futons and steel loot. mood absolves light or error moot feels the blank stalking steam, fuel tilde below red clouds. alors and dangling piece pour deux the ramparts being indisposed all spruced with arch confetti. dominus vobiscum sprouts a dialogue with ants and grates and gravel while the posses shirk the cinders in a line. pragma makes dogma finally due west where incense frosts the retro room temp moderate allure. once broken now mid-entropy where gardens skirt the vantage points out there across from heisenberg's proposed locale. aligned with wonders like shrunken opossum ravioli sprints a discourse of gratitude and rant (cumulative orbits minus the dominant culture), aluminum mediates the temporary metropolitan broom. roosters access investments cue finality naked magma. pragmatic vocable phosphorus. icebergs formant albatross, therefore vintage pointillist kiosk. futivity commerces commencement dishonorary by degrees decreed and then clipped over hexwards. amended shaken root pall gangstery like portly rain around the ring toss. wavy punctuation perambulates across the dark pond approaching seed-ways and disprompts. aquistive hexameter retrieve what has been domiciled (for) vortex once. outward convex hovers the creed of one hand clapping. dungarees by dishwater, commentaries native to the commons, sings the loss around a portable gain. the mall is a monastery of rootless gangsters, zen shackles and menial deaths. what was once a formidable cortex dominant bean hash reprieve asymmetrical next inquisitive romps disquiet. poach the appropriated sentences with arks and wands. elucidation percolates in the punctured gravy.