Friday, April 10, 2009

John M. Bennett

Happy Meal

pestel ,pesto ,pestered pancake pla
cated or my ashole listed up for
lease or loss oh but que es eso
una muestra horológica that’s the
trick .slaws the fork or ing
path yeah ok por eso .so headed
down what’s left a gleafly one
with glizards an a brig stone
head .so my plate’s a formal
crackoff ,I eat with joy

Just a Comb

justa hanka hair a needle sor
ta floppy an I bunst the meater
paid the faucet dlangled out the
wall I aged yr stone cube
hematosis sagging duplex scored
ehn chugger flinger )cloudy oh(
saws an sed no me abro la
boca boligrafiada .ets uh ch
ange changó ,mis tunas pod
ridas an a dlusty comb

Ah Haw

laughter an lifter an looter an
luggage tumbled in yr puddled
suit what ticket clouded in your
cornered eye whap sizzled that’s
my crenellation or a knot in a
tone around the doors like
teeth bullet nacre fluctuation
or un flujo gusanal un torbellino
intonso twisted in me throat I
coffed it inanout


rudder ,rutter ,tumble ,flake or
fake shoes dancing on the wall
your puzzle names the sho
ulder where my neck whistles
.dug a wall or tube a mural
there a crackly story y la
flauta .caulk the nemesisal
antimatter behind your fork your
forking lifter or pared between
the whirleds .“where” the
smoke retrains