Wednesday, February 03, 2021

jim leftwich, 5 poems

borderland unbroken
unflinchingly dipteran
flies alpine gall midges
unreal bedrock
deadbolt deadpan

nacarat glist balancing
biocontrol agents
interrogated papier-mâché
stomach navigations
chewed or mashed potato

multisensory protein-swarm
garbled narrative ocean
squama elucidates
intersectional moist rotting
animals episodic catalyst
yaws citrus absorbing

a chore of choirs / a
chorus of hours / halteres
spelling empathy / gills,
mimics, robbers,
caterpillars salivary fever
filtering quotidian dread

alongside fires unevenly
true flies / dunes, exits,
equators, carpenter bees
hovering converge
strangers distracting