Thursday, February 27, 2020

Impoxximate Man (in the public library in Parker 02.27.2020)

Impoxximate Man

With the Glenwood Cluster
In His Throat tHRoaT 
gRiTting gut wiTh the
James River Face Wilderness
in His fAce hiGHway buRdens
eVeRcrude & heaVeNlOng
bUrniNg evErCrOOn
and HeavEnLoNg
with the adularescent
mOOnstOne iN his
mOuth with the Sempervirens 
CreeK in His tEeTh wiTh
tHe mYthOpOesis the
66 HighWay in his
iNNEr Ear iN HiS
ShadOwMooN TooTh
his eVeRmOon HiSTorY 
his hEavEnLOng shadOw
Unevening along with 
the Mesquite Dunes 
uNder a fuLl 
mOoN in his moUth 
WiTh the Mosaic
Canyon wall-writings
wriTTen in wiNd In Wind
oN stOne in his tEetH
& oN his eye with
the 20 Mule Team
Canyon in his throat tHe
HalFdEsertHigHway In
His ThrOAty eYe & EyE