Jim Leftwich, Thingks, 1996, published by Jake Berry in The Experioddicist Electronic Chapbooks series
THINGKS an electronic chapbook by Jim Leftwich ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ It remains to be seen. Reading practices duration. A few tentative consequences. What do we have to do with the secret seams of death? At times. Endurance of that writing. The literal was not as secretive as it is today. Speech includes. Then they are aberrations. An area of silent reaches. In which the autonomic habitat is a reading of this. Silence, or heard of, before the hedge. August range was still. His heart recuperative. Behavior marvels the morgue. How the majestic tale of the seeding unravels. See how austral the methods are sown. Deals wager with us. To us this is because. Referents to be recorded. Acted as a daily actuality. One may feel at home in all probability. That they, than they, doesn't mean that they are evading. In a time. With citation probably to garden. May be hard to cull the obloquy. Even the rhythms gesture performances. A burial in tones. A manner of name. Even if he were, reading would have declared his gestures, as if he read to have this emphasis. We have assumed too much. Private violations. Reading at times. When silence is harmfully useful. The romance of the burnt enigma. The wrong word where urgently almost any will do. Dictated his poems. Prayers of many teeth. Don't touch the silence of the pen. Have documented a careful outside. Made convincingly revised. Speak in papyrus. What is interesting but part of the paucity. Out of which layers night. Incisive and lasting girth. I am the skeptical beginning. Intellectual above ineffectual. Detour, or of the commencement, direction of his well-being. Sober optimism about mistakes. May in fact. Is not entirely proficient. Skepticism as an activity. To stand in the discussion. Would it be permitted? Almost never requires thinking about this subject. Orbiting that insufficiency. Through which others. But at this juncture. Has little or no ironic mode. Poetry has helped. That one delivers detailed situations was standing in the room. One of the entrances slanted. To write a paralyzed gap, penalized and partial. A huge specific between entries. I think of exacting a slice of thirsts. Seems to me that among others. In the preliminaries I am suggesting fully more useful than speaks. Intersecting at there and here. Much striving for potential contact. Organic is a definition of the social, however, I can't avoid telluric significance. Strict definitions of remedial deception. I love lyric poems as attempts at premonitions of narrative poems I have written. Have written some of the lyrics between the persecutions and the suspicions. Collective emanation narrows the delineations of the repercussions. Form is overtly narrated in form itself. Convolutions in contrast. I've noted the polarized public narrating its own book. Extension is as it should be. One of one. The twilight of form. Author under word. Invisible except for the hurt. Your clothing grows with brilliant love. The united forces of perspective. Appearances which want to evaporate. The light appears to cope. Hymns forked in brilliance, especially frontal within the austerities of the tragedy. Work consumes its imprint. The diameters of ideation. Here and there to the moment. When identity mathematically matches alterity. Through impunity. This disperses the analytic. Some promethean characteristics. The perceptual contraction collapses. Up to the exchange of quibbles in animated song. Individual parsed by text, parenthetically undecided in silent reference, yet nothing profusely shifts the immersions as mediated. The gleanings are corralled, not psychological. Vegetable tormented by the ambiguity of fashion. The bifurcation of the spectator opens bathed in gregarious umbras. Buoyant sweat. The humble play of prayers. Surrealist tendencies of starlit gaps, masked by return, transfigure the narrative of waiting. The formula for correction is selection. Size of the middle. Reconfigured blooms. An index of lapses. Comes away with a sense of dread. Tradition planned the book. Below the levitations an extinction of exiles. Here as diction. A listening by auspices. Falls prescient. Pirated by a uniquely exquisite despair. Fall of the winter into fire. Reft hinges. Harms discourage the quivering blitz. Fire trophy and polished boons. Treasure and reason almost at work. Serial seconds and physical indifference. Pauses continue. Abyss invented by black ink. Blessings enlisted as desires. The given ways of love. Rigged sickness. A toy paradise where the triad recants its puberty. Of various things. We have seen the reverent wolf, graven echo of paradise, commencing through the problematic vexations of the waves. Torques the authors habits. A writing of exploring. How the fevers penetrate an ear from the grave. Tonal clusters banality. Proposition to sound. If the generative is a volume. Part of our position governs the divergent rejections of the visual imagination. Delicious clones of justice. Even if as assumed. Afterwards undeniably inventions as such. The radical grammar of the poems arrangement. Night of the certain indecisions. Dangerously in caesura. Complementary aid. The poem folds up. A series of collusions. The lines open to something grievous. The right to plagiarize the religious. A self-contained direction opens from ache to fear. The effect of allowing. Language implicit in altered original. Here appearance is a function of consistent. The sentence derived from the grammar. The grace of poetry is static. The chords launch the emphasis. Looking at the garments. The art of relapse. Shines in places. Builds paragraphs as well as binding places. Elision is the dogma of pleroma. Serial oddities. Borrowed surfaces. Structured influence. Beyond prison and stability. The dance of literal practice. Bandits included in an open forum. Turns through thought and projects its praxis. Silence reveals the state of the interval. The frequency of sequential textures. Variables grouped in formal bricolage. Asemic devices prescribe the territory. The supple duty of poets. Mantic fish kindled by succulent semantics. To experiment from observation. Extrapolations about found doubts. The cloud is a commentary on the icicle. By the tensions of hollow understanding. A canon of feelings. The aroma of the outside. What is the first encounter. The figures struggle through sequence. Sex simplified to circular fragments. Combinations grouped in lateral forks. A theme of excessive rifts. The herds travel with the genres. The poem as a description of vigilance. What authors. Ask the froth for its fragments. The segments announce the ambiguity of the amber. The self is music. By reference to another section. Hands are held and around. Through the bevels sieves symbolic nature. Prolific symbols of desecration. One theory reversed in the sequence of this book. Information as autistic nomenclature. The womb invites the theory, and encloses the pointless skepticism of existential pith. The ground no easy oeuvre. Each challenge to the word shadows the abstract haloes of the birds. Intelligence is spirit in motion. Dissolves between the flakes. A black radiance unlike night. Listening against the truths. Sense may be the tease of communication. The charm of the birds. Everyone implicates the student of fire. The secrecy of the bird is the sense of a cunning street. Text as a kind of prehensile street. The poem in the word is a relentless narrative. The arrhythmia of vision, the slant of emotion. The region of bets, that place of electric angels. A latent focus. The common allure which compels an eventual music. The romantic paradigm read here as a rattle of quarrels. Mantic reduced to a moral schism, written as a haven for antic. If remonstrance, need. The brittle human, as in I think desire. Moral decay of what. Bets still retained as a providence of gardening. Information infused, but it's now gone from a phonographic usefulness to hypocritical compliance. Catfish thickened by an edible coalescence. The poems frankly curtain germs. Exhumed import of the parthenon, the blackened grace of romance, hunger ancillary to hagiography. Locked in the origins of education. A prefatory lock rekindled by biblical innocence, empirical rehabilitation of the windows, graven kinesis. Utterance glistens at the interface of song and song, orality of the song presently resounds in letters, epistle lives in the prescient trident. Island revealed as a poetry of birds, woven robe purview, inviolable containment, challenge askance unassailable. Preponderance of the corpulent edifice, christened strident by obtuse poetics, primarily the reign of reproductions endowed with democracy and thunder. Hieratic compost structure. Poetry of nowhere beyond. Someone with the monetary grandeur directed us towards suggestible weather. Another medium eviscerated by spoken vulgarities. The recombinant spokes of the words. The torch mostly written in particulars of the tongue. Reading the modem is one of the bracts they might concoct. Memory omitted from the travel guides. Books lifted from the foreign energies which litter the ear. Reified images could begin as solace in the composition. The alphabet is a stone, wrought communique, an excess of difference which enters the book by way of an involuntary and minimal idolatry of the book. Eye of the poem seen throughout the book. Few readers introduced to induction at all. The boolean specialties of objectivity. Each word will have its unmistakable edition. When even the smell of the print is a prurient injustice. Jurisprudence of doubt, a hush blooms in the letter. In the abbreviated typhoon. Small favors written variously. The answers conveyed by the alphabet through expedience to altered type. Integral partials smuggled into social events. Bureaucratic intentions addled by the individuality of the human face. Participation is not intercourse. Storm divorced from its source. Pandemic drudgery ingested, paralyzing the roses where it belongs, who forests the cradled heifer this nautical appeals. Then appeal if poetry is expect, epoch illogical when forbidden, power preferably illegal instilled where the throne may sheep from immunity, which can notable as hazard interpret a skepsis from its grid. Song is more ordained in the doubt than being auscultation between stylized poetries so as not to dogmatize this excrescence. That a sentence shuttered by now should graft the reading through wines to former initiation, so as to thoroughly forget its intimations, that life is a fully circular want, which the hymn of the birds resounds in its technical concessions. Not only is language a free thinker but this trauma is logically attached to the digestion of our assumptions, therefore the book is valuable as radial hindsight, and is a theoretical recruit of western justice, not just a pragmatism of the excerpt, a collated governance or a call for its return. Hovers warbling yarn, crowding anthems into delimited mist, belted names of the pearls selectively following, vie for the scenic postscript, almost a statistic of drilled revenge, a hatred of conscience perhaps implicated in that, lest my urban diction veer into assonant delusions of narration, luggage is the game of my song, blackest hunger and bitter glow, by rote to mishandle the starshine of a woman's clarity, in part the carom, in part the rolling figurine of the coyote. Being is a tryst of entities, the nothingness remains blown demented through thought cyclones are becoming, immunity to the machine which seems also a music, grown as shows, inferior to the private filters of periodic doubt. A generative structure invades the girders, order where the numerical agoraphobia of the titles, between the deviant lines rhyme is a clan of tricksters, oriented by aesthetics through the bayou, at the same time flowing in both slips of the desert. Such of these. As deemed necessary to seem. To have an independence their wills express. On purpose. To say to a large extent. Incidentally entrenched. Freedom of spite. In the practice. Phlegm as oration. Unable to determine what must have been included a fair amount. Virtual predation. Constructed from a number of intentions. If excess were a practice, works ranging from hydraulics to appropriation. They were that imagined memory. Pronunciation, for instance. Reciting the poem in straight sections. Considering that most of the inside durations meant hoarding the papyrus light. Word suited for us. An inversion of investment. To actually have a word. Ended entering the words. Reason raids the crass inflections. A problem reader. For his inner imminence as he reads. The hortative way. The reader had every imagining. Invitation to attempt. Begin a power. Had as has prolapsed. To imagine that we have a sense of prose. His words in the sense of options were exceptions. A motion of nearness to sort and hear me. Then to be trusted might be read in a more adoptive manner. The equivalent of music attends the reading. Those who were admitted were not concurrent. Reading the confessional author stood next to a cycle of intimacies. Gestures command the physical gymnastics, important as the valiant reason. We have a desultory width of audience forming in the whorls, other musical enmity after the reasonable withdrawals. Some free their poetries, indentures added to the rigors of reading, attempted mentality in visceral reason. Soundings served as shouts. Reading revises the actual sounds, or implied by being heard, renders the opportune moan a collective sound. Work centered on apothegm. To calibrate the cliques. The readings have references sponsored by the poets. Apparently finished. Eliding privation, exclusive comic element, increased the lilt of his gratitude to return the responsibility. Perhaps the most that can be seen. Suggestions of nepotism, marinate in hiatus. Awaiting to be. When this paragraph becomes a process of his fantasy, capable of the bonus, one of the greater dealt fiascos, such as his occlusion exposed for apparent apparitions. Supporting the forlorn pamphlet. From his secret tarries swing the havens, mind the gallantry of the severed hand written into your utters, have observed more likely that patience sessions writing, he took the performance to be the case. He seconds the differences. Because economical, adopted. The crucial corpse of it was unsuspected, hoped he might aquarian several congregations, reference to one in the operable gamut from tablet passed before compulsion, agency of the sign. Inherent in the panic of today, linked to improprieties. As a living and less difficult, to forestall what we might impinge, translation of the personal into covers where applicable, could be a large deviance of character. Were reductions. As famously guessed. The early dawn of art associated with many possibilities, manly possibilities, mandibles, mantic possibilities. Theater included in the grandiose thread. To be born of an imperial head, the official when he retired, innocuous usage, we know little but the berated merits of his audit. Wings grew under the recitations, singing the late romantic vertigo, tousled by derivative poets. It always remains, cradling a diphthong, to reconstruct the rhetoric and romance of the alphabet. To piece together the fragmentary awarenesses, that reflex of masculine activity, as if with some assurance the intertwined subjectivities sponsor consequent corrosions of the confessions, as if ambrosia had never been seen allotted over the page. Doubt is the history of tonal illusions. Some of the interesting temerity. Lines rehabilitate the wood. Probably has come from doodling. Readings as events. Sounding for granted if this is so. Exaggerated lingers, privately access. But this durational tempest, public recognition of a degree of resound, intoned in the stucco fleece of stormy phrasings, plucked from pubescence and mimicked until parody, probably everts the weakness of suppressing orbits, will as well as habitual reflected in privacy, that there were correctly or political referrals using these events as a wallet for their texts, apparently secret tantamount to composed, probably didn't curse as we do, never the painstaking vigil of the kitchen, albeit on papyrus with grease, political epistles. Relations emerge in outrage. Seems to me that open without doubt succumbs to large numbers, many such intentions garbled in the book. A later reference to be a grief, perfectly clear, a great mineral light, if it is a want of myopic skepticism, social is collective though useful as duration. Accrues to what, my own thinking into the complex, a mode of wringing contact from others, perhaps specific rings of lyrical fallacy, banal as politically possible, the implications rally time. I want the specific localized there where one can write the density of lyric, a sense suggested as it is parenthetical, presently unborn, rather unsung to recognize at his expense the potential fiat of the lyric, unless that speaks spagyric. I am suggesting that meaningful material aligns with the strengths of possibility, one's concept of the code emergent. Again: that hologram of signification, according to many forgotten by very few, methodology meanders to disrupt, the alliance of lyric poetry with its strict definition. I have proposed an opposition, becoming I and the overtly collated that, to dominate more danger than I do in any faction.
Labels: 1990s, Doubt, Jake Berry, jim leftwich
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