John M. Bennett Hacks Six Months Aint No Sentence Books 57 & 58
cir cle li ar
sh oe de cay de vide
punk e raw pre pare
sat ellite la bor ma garde
e qual ex ex per ience
veg a ta ble soc io logy
dan ger colo sec or pi
ppie en joy mob ile pro
vide i dle we apons ma
chine an y way
v iews cab bage his s
car rot ork h ats wrin
kle vaz oil f unk ket
tle dit to tri an gle jel
ly wig wam doc u ments
ad mire ey e lev el
cos tum es suc ceed pi
ano t apes bath room
net wor ked clos et
Tonguing through Jim Leftwich’s
Six Months Aint No Sentence, Book 57, 2013,
& Bryce & Sherman’s The Aldine Speller,
Part Two, 1916
material desvelo
la que no se nombra clings
not unto roads and rot las
flojas manos redress shut
turbio espejo finished fishing el
lobo ahito active at best la
imágen desceñida stinks
dollars and ola en el pecho
sandstorm esponjándose en la
sombra entry gently eggs az
ure ay espada del agua ay
robber hand and jumper cables
drunken sun la luz se muerde
a sí misma ,eel aura ,machete
de la canícula address so
privately the group fate
cual una apretada venda
stitched cultura identity y
la evasión irónica del metal
Awake in Jim Leftwich’s
Six Months Aint No Sentence, Book 58, 2013,
& Juana de Ibarbourou’s Perdida, 1950
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