Monday, October 03, 2011

jim leftwich - 2 poems


am woun aim am
wound amer grie
with writhe the
eye they 2. as
see a green sea


wall street with a sponge

3. with the spinach unified clear cut highway
a pear appears
deb shu serious 4. process
Newt Fork

speaking of FDR
and the takeover of zucchini pork

5. spring in july with the common athens
t hundr pl we possil spe

beconomist crisis
substantive resistance democracy

the grievanc
the anxieties
the proces
the th
the stir
the state


warned that there were wo



1. strategica is norn ha cage
activists when l
whic his villa sp ac m t re
Americ to yorke distr 2. ta
gre confider
promp quadru marchers ninety

9 of wha 1% we are
quietly quality medic no rig
hts if 99 pe Americar 3.
occupations plax in the o
profit non Wednesday this o
skate puppies tells smiling

the political li lo trappe
the cake to sleep as socks
of the march what was
happening among the London
smog againstt the Occ Greed la
t ar California young from

Spain 5. up ac up acr some
cool comm frenzie pizzart in a
synthesis to gather consensus
ba fact t hear or window by

6. stranger magic
