Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Matt Taggart and Jim Leftwich - Paired Event Scores

Paired Event Scores
Matt Taggart and Jim Leftwich


Debate Event
Matt Taggart

Items needed:
One bucket
Paper and pencils
Two performers

Have audience write on paper unlikely topics of debate
Put into bucket
One performer choose topic at random
Debate on subject

Debate Poem Event
Jim Leftwich

Items needed:
One bucket
Paper and pencils
Any number of performers

Have audience and/or performers write on paper unlikely topics of debate
Put into bucket
Performers choose topics at random
Arrange as a poem and read to audience


Debate Two
Matt Taggart

Instead of audience choosing topic, performers pick topics prior to performance.
Fill bucket with water.
Start debate.
When one performer can't defend his/her side take bucket and throw at other performer.

Debate Two 2
Jim Leftwich

Items needed:
a table
two chairs
two performers, seated in chairs, facing across table
several buckets filled with water

performers take turns throwing water on each other
debate is over when performers run out of water


Own worst critic
Matt Taggart

Set up a showing of your artwork at a local gallery
During the show take down your artwork and replace it with another artists work

Own worst critic 2
Jim Leftwich

2 eggs
1 rock


Reality event
Matt Taggart

Write your dreams down on paper
Throw in garbage

Reality Event 2
Jim Leftwich



Economic Kiss Off
Matt Taggart

Open a kissing booth anywhere
Close kissing booth due to lack of customers
Draw unemployment for a year

Revised Kissing Booth Business Plan
Jim Leftwich

You will need:
a ladder
a window
the moon


shredded text event
jim leftwich

find a bag of shredded text
perform it

(for as many performers as you can get)

shredded text event two
matt taggart

find a bag of shredded text
use as a pillow
take a nap

(for one performer)


psychogeographical game of the week #001
jim leftwich

walk from your house to the nearest post office
document the walk
mail the documentation to a friend

psychogeographical game of the week #001.2
matt taggart

walk from your house to the farthest post office
document the walk
mail the documentation to yourself


psychogeographical game of the week #002
jim leftwich

walk from your house to the nearest post office
pick up trash along the way
mail it to a friend

psychogeographical game of the week #002.1
matt taggart

walk from your house to the farthest post office
pick up trash along the way
mail it to yourself


psychogeographical game of the week #003
jim leftwich

walk from your house to the nearest copy shop
pick up trash along the way
do something with it
do something else with it

psychogeographical game of the week #003.1
matt taggart

walk from your house to the farthest copy shop
pick up trash along the way
place trash in every garbage bin in copy shop


Coffee For The Road
Matt Taggart

Buy a cup of coffee
Pour it on the road

Coffee For The Toad
Jim Leftwich

Make a cup of coffee
Drink it with a frog


props for unspecified events #1
jim leftwich

1. a box of toothpicks
2. a hatrack
3. a folding chair


props for unspecified events #2
jim leftwich

1. a flower pot
2. a step ladder
3. two hats


props for unspecified events #3
jim leftwich

1. a whistle
2. a box of crayons
3. a can of chicken soup


props for unspecified events #4
jim leftwich

1. a wooden spoon
2. a wet umbrella
3. a pair of tennis shoes


Props for unspecified events #5
Matt Taggart

1. Duct tape
2. Rope
3. Orange juice


Props for unspecified events #6
Matt Taggart

1. One cloud
2. A balloon
3. Time


Props for unspecified events #7
Matt Taggart

1. Jim Leftwich
2. Matt Taggart
3. Time


Props for unspecified events #8
Matt Taggart

1. Gasoline
2. Paintbrush
3. A copy of the fluxus performance workbook


cold reception
Matt Taggart

When performer introduces themselves audience throws cold water on them.

bold reception
jim leftwich

performer hands out copies of his event scores.
sits in a chair on stage and watches as audience members perform his scores.
