Warren Fry and Jim Leftwich
toxic fluxivity... i should have known... now i fear it is too late... i am already the damage and its mutagenic spawn
Funniest is best which is mutagenic spawn: But as many types (my type, creative things) which are drawn, which ice up the secondary effect of 1 of the mutations. I: the knife where pustulence, which mysteriously takes the shape, mutent in the body (sic) and the glass light rain fall. It changes quality completely, can match but in addition to the enemy, the thing the wind which leaves my sugar which brings many thermal power cancers with me, raised with a during your look. Light 20% is made bubbles, what includes saliva, the I which impends was and hits hard [sanzashi]; the saw reflected where my blind has fluttered is shaking lightly.
Most interesting is the chapter of the mutant spoons: however many typos, their rice, drawling a variation on the secondary artifacts (my typical hand and creative hinge). I: Where the wonders pestilence shapes, bodily mute ( ) the original in the lightning rain bakes a glass of knives. It can be fully marched, as well as the enemy, the thing is the wind in your face and a lot of firepower during the elopement of campers within me, to raise the quality of the leaves or to change my shirt. Like 20% wheat saliva [and I include eggs]; here, frying in my eyes reflect the light is shaken, and hard castle impends raw [zen sushi] where its bubble was created.
First mutant support protocol: "because spasms", their grain, inscribbled oddment lots (my hazardous palm creatures) force the largest between. I: Those of the boil of dignity, record animals 90 the unique, which in battle grab peculiar oven shards upward along the knife shaft. It marches and is shown completely, the poison and eating note, fires and enthusiasm of the lock of your bivouac interior, among the living quantity how useful(less) their sleeves. Live 20% among the grass, the grip of the flow [and I include eggs]; where, and without to be destroyed a great-hall, mote opened, iris impends raw [zeal n' such ye] while grilling the birth of tongue domes.
The first mutation to report the protocol: "Beautiful convulsions", and their miracle grain, allot our things to the rest (harmful organisms in the balm) in 42 large power tool inscriptions. I: the dignity of the tumor in 90 of the animals, a unique battles word upon his shift and hold the oven debris. It will be displayed fully forward amid the poisons, eat this memo, the flocking device inside the camp fire is passionately alive, how useful the quantity 42 (or less!) is up his sleeve. 20% live between their grasps, the flux of the ripper [and I]; Where, with all and without, the raw iris ripens [zeal in the sane world opened the dust] his higher ore refuse! the birth of the bigger burn - Hail Dome is destroyed... cue the eggs.
The mutated ones which rhetoric prioritizes: "Hyperion ventilator", the miraculous dough remainder (orgasme or fragrance oil) of their encrypted carving/moment, whose letter of the national 42 is large. I: Dig umor of ninety salable animals, wording the fight which is unique to that transposition of coven wreckage. Which lived useful forts too; how poison indicated this memo front, eaten sufficiently, the device which in the fire of camp crowds ardor, is on that sleeve. 20% have leveled handing change [and between Higgins and ripper]; Everything and outside, the unprocessed iris opened [sealing in healthy world-dust] the rubbish of the ore which is higher than that! The origin of a larger burning mark - the dome of the egg was demolished… it is a model railroad.
The aleatoric primacy mutated: "hypnotic exterminator", the remaining flour tool at the miracle while halves encrusted (origami or fractal boils) / minutiae, 42 notional letters of which are grease. I: Barely marketable animals, their tribe if the war of words, the transfer of the debris is unique to Amor Dig. Fonts are useful. Howl like poison, enough, the crown, the camp fire murders, the memorandum affront at the device on the sleeve of his indication! Change more than 20% of the hands worth in a bush is flat [stand between Higgins and Sawyer], and everything is. Process opened is iris [print well in the world - the dust], which is rubbish compared to the ore is more! Monks a major scourge of water - the dominion of eggs in Hell... This is a motel beside a highway.
On esoteric mutanegicity: "great chance extractor", half covering the remaining wheat-equipment, between details (aroma or ankle) / writes the OF miracle where the conceptual letters of 42 are grist. I: Another tongue game to the excavation of movement-wreckage - at the last direction animal harnessed. Historiade Amor, where the pot is useful. Oh! poisonous crown-sufficient, blinding the sleeve elixir incest at limn-camp luncheonettes. Until 20% tile shrubs hand everything change in [stand between Higgins and Sawyer and Loy]. For processes you open many irises, many which compare [imprints Vim on the squirrel index], are the trust! Dominant rights = yolk-principals: hermetic eggs lull us to driveways... Or is it a butterfly in their on-ramp?
To this end, Exoskeletal mutant-agency is "a Greek opportunity" for the protractor, which hovers around the deranged equipment, beats (the wasted ankle) writes to wonder if the letter 42 is a conceptual malt. I are an others: the second language-game is the movement of the miners Wreckage - In the last mammal values direct. Love the history and abuse the pottery. Oh! poisonous brown coefficient, binding is the vote, incessant manga portraits pirouette afield. Up to 20% files smiles on bushes to change everything to anything [at their wiggle and yawn and joy]. workloads do open many of the innings, which many may compare [vim views onto the squirming apex] to a confidence manner Dominatrix = folk song inspector rights: the freeway is a light eggs full... or is beauty and the tramp.
Or, beauty and wandering persons receiving "structural mutation" pods; papillae, Chloe, (LAM), shard, and opportunity. 42, molten because protractors move round the device, which is confused because doubt thinks sound is an ankle, you write. Others: catapult I into 2nd language games… It is the mammal of the wreath-gauge miner frontier. History dear, it clobbers the cutlery. Well! sonorous, harmful, brown-factors connect coming votes, but not during becoming extinct or Akira. At least 20% pile tan hedge-blanket cases, which inch everything into anything, with the file. [sneezing vom and rejoice pics]. Desk-miles, perhaps large whips too, sprung the right of the inspector; = [folk opinion] compared in the ape struggles, which open: eggs clutter the dear-path candles, beneath and traveling.
Oh nimbus eon, beauty of the steeples wandering, Ford; pencils, clothes, lamps, sculpture, and structuralist film-making can be opportunistic. 42 molten round general contractors! Because it abounds infusion, because the device is suspect, your angular, your ritual will. Others in the language of Article 2 when the game ... I Catapults Mammalian wreaths of it! - is a range pioneers minimal. I love history, it paginates the cutlery. Well! ,, unwound harms - the connection of the dotted votes, but not refined during their explication, nor Africa. At least 20% hedge fund managers - a pile of blunderbuss, with nothing to the tannin. If all the files were flies. [Seize the carom and photograph the invoice]. Desk - 60 miles, a large, maybe too much, split the nightshade of the defective lip; = [folklore communion] gorilla upon the strudel, the compartmentation: cheerful buffer of eggs - a cradle under the path, unravels.
The knit 'e' halo, a beauty Ford of the spire you wander about; the litmus and clothing; when practice is opportunism, there is a lamp. A painting and the film compilation of stricture analysts construct a trader of the circular summary, to which 42 melts! As for their angle ceremony, the device outfalls pill puzzles ... When socket that mammalian flower garland moving suddenly - other than luggage of article second. Whey! There is a rear of the lowest range, a history; that love in the meal instrument where tools attach the page. Undone in relation notes an Afreet gives [t] damage. Attila of 20% shrubs the mountain of some ones hurdy-gurdy coat lining. If all files fly, when it is. [Grasp CANON, vote toe graving voices]. Deskilled - 60 miles were left, being large perhaps, tore hemlock of the imperfect hip; × [In strudel and compartmentation] ape of saintly, of private handing down: gleaners solve the quiver-hunt under the yolky road-basket.
The "tattered kite" Hello, beauty will be a Ford or not at all, musk like liminal clothing, wind praxis portal mutiny prism, there is a limp clump to wander to the summit. A concoction of lectures panting banal mists has traduced the flimsy marinade of the 42 malls [circular saw, construction paper] offering fades to error! Angle forks the cereal bemoans, ash to ask? The devil outfitter bullseye on a griddle ... Socks thin the mangled mail, sullen surmise the flowing brain - the severed articulate lug wrench in perdition, to mothers of invention? The curdled way! Therein at minimalist delimit, once is behooves once if history, is that the grist in the machine tooth, where is the page of love? Would be unwound in a wound a fleet note [NOTED] damage. At all 20% suburban somnambulist hurtles hurdles, lust of the goat wining and dining on an anthill. If all the thief lies, then why hence shit happens. [First canon mote, best graveyard totem invoice]. Desktop kills - from 60 miles away, what was left, burlap purple hops, or being imperfect bassline snores the hemlock; [the trumpet alludes to the mental compost] sacramental, candles frown to personal: cleanliness of folksy rote - thunder shivers in the bath - a vacuum cleaner of the soluble monkey wrench.
Let us "tear a tick "; hello medicinal garments - beauty afforded or else a wind-practiced mung is the riot prism of the portal vein, the soft gregariousness which concocts of lectures. The 42 mail [critical seeing combs, strict pay-per-roar] invoking balsam mists, flying marionette offerings. Fade to equation! Ash to ask the spoons for central point in ornaments, the trade demons in mothers of invention… or the unsociable guess flow - the clear lunch-wit, where ruin becomes extinct, thin? The distilled way! Is that the grin in the matrass tooth? The page therein as budding yes tides once hovered to history. A mega colony of the goat's white phase would cure the pod note [NOTING] apology. Saving 20% throws the Wounded Jumper awake, which thickens the thief party and empress of built in leaf traffic. Partitions [fur-street motel, gravel year vogue] killed something which remains of purple, of the bar lip, as for being imperfect [amalgam hamper] - being the place where many 60 Americas snore scattered. [the trumpet alludes to the metal compulsion] candles flow ideation scrap to mental: leanness blames bluesy patterns. A he cleaning machine of trench dander, the monkey, the dissolve trembling at the dirt-room.
Woo Lee, our tears are ticklish; regarding medication: clothing, beauty, or some other wind - Mung portal vein practice is the prism of the riot. Crocodiles who will not be taught concoct a subjective gregariousness. 42 e-mail gymnasium [seeps imported tomb, a constriction of the single-payer roar] baseball invoking the fog, the flight was a puppet offering strings. Equations are fads! Clash, the moth of convention in the flow of tirades, speculates the devil ... or silence - a clean lurch - withers, where a hammer, a thin ornament for the center point of extinction in the spoon is going to ask? The distillation method! Management in the face of teeth? Yes, there once was pogo dancing as an aid to memory, history rages to see the rising waves. Chlorine treatment of the white Fort Carpet matriculates imperialist bats [attention] apples. Wake up saving 20% of the built-in traffic into the thief leaves the party and the Empress is the pitch injured jumper. Partition [[Furry Meat Motel, unravels this years model]] basket forks anklets incomplete in the barbarian duplex lips [mixed leftists - to thrill someone, the Americans, many scattered kangaroos, united, damned] [A triumph of immanent obsession alludes] to the spirit of the flowering candlelight, journey to the center of the scraps: the lean blue pattern was resistance. He climbed up the machine in a clench of daring, money = earth - shaking his fist at the lab, and was dissolved.
Wood ants Harvey Oswald under crying laughing guards: without medicinal garments, looks, gasses or other - munitions port a ventricle exercise in the prism fodder - the gators are listless. Let cannot teach someone yet make categories of friendliness: 42 waiting the link-step involving bulbs, wishing to contest the glove-match or sheer the linking toon structure [see epimysium to macabre; or continuing the group ruckus]. Lads to equinox it later! As for moths of conviction and conference flowing impeachment addresses: LEMON … presumes our injury - clean inclination - the driver over his head careens an extermination of the bowl decoration and asks where he withers? Idling managers sneer the hand-cakes fortune allowance. Taking the m-head's word that ear to ear pole-vault dances presumed a historical continuation ... and die they won't. The chlorine of the carpet of the castle stronghold of a pole-less empire principle [yes] is closed. It makes in the leaves where traffic [bin] 20% attaches awakening parties,
a jumper bee-bee heals it.
[[[For hurry mate, mote yell one gravel yur miniature]]] baskets [vortex its incompatible with barbarian double helix-ists - journeying to their maggot portion with resistance]. Up their machine they limned in a stench of red hats, young = eatery, and dependence a whisper-barn. Octopuses in many American obsession troves, to the spirits undergoing zeppelins, targets, orphans; a union of unshorn compulsory candlelight.
Artists under the trees crying non-smiling Sir Harvey Oswald: Machine guns without clothing, gasping, or a prism to feed the otters - military porridge motionless ventricular toys - crocodiles are cultural critics. Let us and somebody else created the category of intimate yet: while waiting for the bus 42 also cannot preach - in a light bulb, as Gymnastic Jesus Gloves - match or turning point khaki jihad children connectives suture [see the steep few wetlands like to invest; in a group of 10,000]. Equivocate, join the future! Faith and the flow of the meat-moths imperils state undress: in Lima, Peru ... or India - cleanliness is next to telephones - the extermination of the boss, the cab driver careens burp pulchritude rodeo joy, bowling and defecating in the winter wind, where do you think? Idle hands, unmanageable toes - wedding cakes laughing at the mortgage. Word of the shooting Moron - bread/cheese polarity - it's safe to dance at the drive-in history of discontinuous... unless you die. The emperor's donut is full of wholes - less empire principles [for example, a goat on the magic carpet in center of the known universe] is closed. Where the traffic that [blankets] leaves 20% of the artists created at their wakes attachments
juniper-bees healing with belief.
Come on dude, [[[Fork at]]] basketballs [hurried miniature dust graves screaming matrix of the helium bubbles constructed of our barbarians - plagiarists! - the resistance] and is incomprehensible within their own parboiled goat to the maggots. Limned in red hats, they stink of the museums of the machine, Tongue = Restaurant, and the independence day in a whisper - born in a communist barn. Soul, dirigible goats, an orphan; unshorn force through a combination of candied America's obsession with a lottery octopus in tropes.
Which, the harzburgite Oswald artist under the no-path or the wooden one? The machine gun which the clothing is given to trigger, pants, or does not have the prism? Militia porridge is motivic venture, says the crod, if culture's dieing anyway. Of intimacy the know nothings lease categorically cremated vapor: but 42 isn't canceling rations in a light bulb. Agreed on the cross-leveled mattress cancer - matching the pickelhaube unto the chilled bald eagle. [seals staple feud-lands, lick the intestine; inner groove of 10,000]. Truthfully, forget the buttresses! Faith is a boil. It makes dangerous as breeding the socks off Sylvania: my next-door doomsday chain and monkey. The extreme of the Gaza; the west still Schlieffen areas purring pewtered - doling decanters in the slave-belt, that's where. Trillions of terrific tots'd tell - marriage license icing the pure, or else what? Blurbs of the upfront faithful companions - beard/crease solidarity - safe of 's' which dines in chronicles of dishcloths. Can they die off? Lets make whores of hierarchies, little glazes on 20% of their dunkin plantagenet. [Forage ample. A coat onto majestic incisor - off a noun in verse]. See the rafts carrying career slips to the chum bucket of moist eyed hopers, yet
juneberries helping in the mind-house.
I know, I know... the shakedown occurred with such opposites as hemp without the bhang. Museum = mollusk drive, and the gears where red hats there too. Sheets of iron gird the family guitar string - a gambling tentacle, moist on the American drive, could hide in Romania, noodles, itching flannel glued realists at the happily.
The hamburger itch thunder quartz site moss balding artist nose swath of the woolen ore mutation gums itch their sloth hiss riven tooth rigged slants our doves nor haven the prison militant pours rid grist mote victorious veins adventure splayed thief crud if cultured wings lie anyway in intimations of nouns note wings lacy greased cats allegorical matted cream neighbors butte forth to isthmus camels ceiling nations in a righteous pulp? Greed once the evil lead cross buttress danger marching their nickel daub beans to the thrill bail beagle eels taper apples rude glands flick the intentional twine in her grove of tin houses ruefully forged their muttered dresses. Boiled faith is a doll. It makes us as dangerous as tweed ringed lockers golf vanity of Syria. My text floor brooms clay rain and money. They extrude meat of the gaze. The west is still schoolboy lies stiff as a leaf fin aria. Purposely chewing neutral tears folds linger deck antlers in the sleeveless welt trillions of hats were here the terror of golf totem hell carriage lice rage diced sense mincing the pure or lesser wheat. Suburbs of the front lines are fateful companies read creaking seeps sole polarity gaffe or stitched wines in chrome vehicles and discotheques. We cannot pry them off. So we make whole resume lettuce of inherited patriarchies brittle gazing on twin percolates golf inherent dungeon plankton like Genet. Forks rage the sample ascot ontological masculinity in scissors golfing renown inverted. Seamlessly they craft carrion careen slippers tithe churning bubbles often hoist dope and eye the bettors.
jumble of terrors kelp singing mine louse
it snows and it snows thief basilisk bald salvage their grace logs blurt shoulders and Camelot lush spectators collated our desk truckers batches of romance! As seams bled tools we cyst our glandular hero. His outrage their snakes clown oracular width much opossum ash unkempt with snouts the clang. Musical dolls busk the hive. The gland ears here read bats where tooth. Sleets ironic golf rid birds the familiar gutter triage. Most of the American hive is a rambling testicle. Shroud abide in dementia poodles switch wings flammable lewd dealers list at their apply.
summer 2009
Funniest is best which is mutagenic spawn: But as many types (my type, creative things) which are drawn, which ice up the secondary effect of 1 of the mutations. I: the knife where pustulence, which mysteriously takes the shape, mutent in the body (sic) and the glass light rain fall. It changes quality completely, can match but in addition to the enemy, the thing the wind which leaves my sugar which brings many thermal power cancers with me, raised with a during your look. Light 20% is made bubbles, what includes saliva, the I which impends was and hits hard [sanzashi]; the saw reflected where my blind has fluttered is shaking lightly.
Most interesting is the chapter of the mutant spoons: however many typos, their rice, drawling a variation on the secondary artifacts (my typical hand and creative hinge). I: Where the wonders pestilence shapes, bodily mute ( ) the original in the lightning rain bakes a glass of knives. It can be fully marched, as well as the enemy, the thing is the wind in your face and a lot of firepower during the elopement of campers within me, to raise the quality of the leaves or to change my shirt. Like 20% wheat saliva [and I include eggs]; here, frying in my eyes reflect the light is shaken, and hard castle impends raw [zen sushi] where its bubble was created.
First mutant support protocol: "because spasms", their grain, inscribbled oddment lots (my hazardous palm creatures) force the largest between. I: Those of the boil of dignity, record animals 90 the unique, which in battle grab peculiar oven shards upward along the knife shaft. It marches and is shown completely, the poison and eating note, fires and enthusiasm of the lock of your bivouac interior, among the living quantity how useful(less) their sleeves. Live 20% among the grass, the grip of the flow [and I include eggs]; where, and without to be destroyed a great-hall, mote opened, iris impends raw [zeal n' such ye] while grilling the birth of tongue domes.
The first mutation to report the protocol: "Beautiful convulsions", and their miracle grain, allot our things to the rest (harmful organisms in the balm) in 42 large power tool inscriptions. I: the dignity of the tumor in 90 of the animals, a unique battles word upon his shift and hold the oven debris. It will be displayed fully forward amid the poisons, eat this memo, the flocking device inside the camp fire is passionately alive, how useful the quantity 42 (or less!) is up his sleeve. 20% live between their grasps, the flux of the ripper [and I]; Where, with all and without, the raw iris ripens [zeal in the sane world opened the dust] his higher ore refuse! the birth of the bigger burn - Hail Dome is destroyed... cue the eggs.
The mutated ones which rhetoric prioritizes: "Hyperion ventilator", the miraculous dough remainder (orgasme or fragrance oil) of their encrypted carving/moment, whose letter of the national 42 is large. I: Dig umor of ninety salable animals, wording the fight which is unique to that transposition of coven wreckage. Which lived useful forts too; how poison indicated this memo front, eaten sufficiently, the device which in the fire of camp crowds ardor, is on that sleeve. 20% have leveled handing change [and between Higgins and ripper]; Everything and outside, the unprocessed iris opened [sealing in healthy world-dust] the rubbish of the ore which is higher than that! The origin of a larger burning mark - the dome of the egg was demolished… it is a model railroad.
The aleatoric primacy mutated: "hypnotic exterminator", the remaining flour tool at the miracle while halves encrusted (origami or fractal boils) / minutiae, 42 notional letters of which are grease. I: Barely marketable animals, their tribe if the war of words, the transfer of the debris is unique to Amor Dig. Fonts are useful. Howl like poison, enough, the crown, the camp fire murders, the memorandum affront at the device on the sleeve of his indication! Change more than 20% of the hands worth in a bush is flat [stand between Higgins and Sawyer], and everything is. Process opened is iris [print well in the world - the dust], which is rubbish compared to the ore is more! Monks a major scourge of water - the dominion of eggs in Hell... This is a motel beside a highway.
On esoteric mutanegicity: "great chance extractor", half covering the remaining wheat-equipment, between details (aroma or ankle) / writes the OF miracle where the conceptual letters of 42 are grist. I: Another tongue game to the excavation of movement-wreckage - at the last direction animal harnessed. Historiade Amor, where the pot is useful. Oh! poisonous crown-sufficient, blinding the sleeve elixir incest at limn-camp luncheonettes. Until 20% tile shrubs hand everything change in [stand between Higgins and Sawyer and Loy]. For processes you open many irises, many which compare [imprints Vim on the squirrel index], are the trust! Dominant rights = yolk-principals: hermetic eggs lull us to driveways... Or is it a butterfly in their on-ramp?
To this end, Exoskeletal mutant-agency is "a Greek opportunity" for the protractor, which hovers around the deranged equipment, beats (the wasted ankle) writes to wonder if the letter 42 is a conceptual malt. I are an others: the second language-game is the movement of the miners Wreckage - In the last mammal values direct. Love the history and abuse the pottery. Oh! poisonous brown coefficient, binding is the vote, incessant manga portraits pirouette afield. Up to 20% files smiles on bushes to change everything to anything [at their wiggle and yawn and joy]. workloads do open many of the innings, which many may compare [vim views onto the squirming apex] to a confidence manner Dominatrix = folk song inspector rights: the freeway is a light eggs full... or is beauty and the tramp.
Or, beauty and wandering persons receiving "structural mutation" pods; papillae, Chloe, (LAM), shard, and opportunity. 42, molten because protractors move round the device, which is confused because doubt thinks sound is an ankle, you write. Others: catapult I into 2nd language games… It is the mammal of the wreath-gauge miner frontier. History dear, it clobbers the cutlery. Well! sonorous, harmful, brown-factors connect coming votes, but not during becoming extinct or Akira. At least 20% pile tan hedge-blanket cases, which inch everything into anything, with the file. [sneezing vom and rejoice pics]. Desk-miles, perhaps large whips too, sprung the right of the inspector; = [folk opinion] compared in the ape struggles, which open: eggs clutter the dear-path candles, beneath and traveling.
Oh nimbus eon, beauty of the steeples wandering, Ford; pencils, clothes, lamps, sculpture, and structuralist film-making can be opportunistic. 42 molten round general contractors! Because it abounds infusion, because the device is suspect, your angular, your ritual will. Others in the language of Article 2 when the game ... I Catapults Mammalian wreaths of it! - is a range pioneers minimal. I love history, it paginates the cutlery. Well! ,, unwound harms - the connection of the dotted votes, but not refined during their explication, nor Africa. At least 20% hedge fund managers - a pile of blunderbuss, with nothing to the tannin. If all the files were flies. [Seize the carom and photograph the invoice]. Desk - 60 miles, a large, maybe too much, split the nightshade of the defective lip; = [folklore communion] gorilla upon the strudel, the compartmentation: cheerful buffer of eggs - a cradle under the path, unravels.
The knit 'e' halo, a beauty Ford of the spire you wander about; the litmus and clothing; when practice is opportunism, there is a lamp. A painting and the film compilation of stricture analysts construct a trader of the circular summary, to which 42 melts! As for their angle ceremony, the device outfalls pill puzzles ... When socket that mammalian flower garland moving suddenly - other than luggage of article second. Whey! There is a rear of the lowest range, a history; that love in the meal instrument where tools attach the page. Undone in relation notes an Afreet gives [t] damage. Attila of 20% shrubs the mountain of some ones hurdy-gurdy coat lining. If all files fly, when it is. [Grasp CANON, vote toe graving voices]. Deskilled - 60 miles were left, being large perhaps, tore hemlock of the imperfect hip; × [In strudel and compartmentation] ape of saintly, of private handing down: gleaners solve the quiver-hunt under the yolky road-basket.
The "tattered kite" Hello, beauty will be a Ford or not at all, musk like liminal clothing, wind praxis portal mutiny prism, there is a limp clump to wander to the summit. A concoction of lectures panting banal mists has traduced the flimsy marinade of the 42 malls [circular saw, construction paper] offering fades to error! Angle forks the cereal bemoans, ash to ask? The devil outfitter bullseye on a griddle ... Socks thin the mangled mail, sullen surmise the flowing brain - the severed articulate lug wrench in perdition, to mothers of invention? The curdled way! Therein at minimalist delimit, once is behooves once if history, is that the grist in the machine tooth, where is the page of love? Would be unwound in a wound a fleet note [NOTED] damage. At all 20% suburban somnambulist hurtles hurdles, lust of the goat wining and dining on an anthill. If all the thief lies, then why hence shit happens. [First canon mote, best graveyard totem invoice]. Desktop kills - from 60 miles away, what was left, burlap purple hops, or being imperfect bassline snores the hemlock; [the trumpet alludes to the mental compost] sacramental, candles frown to personal: cleanliness of folksy rote - thunder shivers in the bath - a vacuum cleaner of the soluble monkey wrench.
Let us "tear a tick "; hello medicinal garments - beauty afforded or else a wind-practiced mung is the riot prism of the portal vein, the soft gregariousness which concocts of lectures. The 42 mail [critical seeing combs, strict pay-per-roar] invoking balsam mists, flying marionette offerings. Fade to equation! Ash to ask the spoons for central point in ornaments, the trade demons in mothers of invention… or the unsociable guess flow - the clear lunch-wit, where ruin becomes extinct, thin? The distilled way! Is that the grin in the matrass tooth? The page therein as budding yes tides once hovered to history. A mega colony of the goat's white phase would cure the pod note [NOTING] apology. Saving 20% throws the Wounded Jumper awake, which thickens the thief party and empress of built in leaf traffic. Partitions [fur-street motel, gravel year vogue] killed something which remains of purple, of the bar lip, as for being imperfect [amalgam hamper] - being the place where many 60 Americas snore scattered. [the trumpet alludes to the metal compulsion] candles flow ideation scrap to mental: leanness blames bluesy patterns. A he cleaning machine of trench dander, the monkey, the dissolve trembling at the dirt-room.
Woo Lee, our tears are ticklish; regarding medication: clothing, beauty, or some other wind - Mung portal vein practice is the prism of the riot. Crocodiles who will not be taught concoct a subjective gregariousness. 42 e-mail gymnasium [seeps imported tomb, a constriction of the single-payer roar] baseball invoking the fog, the flight was a puppet offering strings. Equations are fads! Clash, the moth of convention in the flow of tirades, speculates the devil ... or silence - a clean lurch - withers, where a hammer, a thin ornament for the center point of extinction in the spoon is going to ask? The distillation method! Management in the face of teeth? Yes, there once was pogo dancing as an aid to memory, history rages to see the rising waves. Chlorine treatment of the white Fort Carpet matriculates imperialist bats [attention] apples. Wake up saving 20% of the built-in traffic into the thief leaves the party and the Empress is the pitch injured jumper. Partition [[Furry Meat Motel, unravels this years model]] basket forks anklets incomplete in the barbarian duplex lips [mixed leftists - to thrill someone, the Americans, many scattered kangaroos, united, damned] [A triumph of immanent obsession alludes] to the spirit of the flowering candlelight, journey to the center of the scraps: the lean blue pattern was resistance. He climbed up the machine in a clench of daring, money = earth - shaking his fist at the lab, and was dissolved.
Wood ants Harvey Oswald under crying laughing guards: without medicinal garments, looks, gasses or other - munitions port a ventricle exercise in the prism fodder - the gators are listless. Let cannot teach someone yet make categories of friendliness: 42 waiting the link-step involving bulbs, wishing to contest the glove-match or sheer the linking toon structure [see epimysium to macabre; or continuing the group ruckus]. Lads to equinox it later! As for moths of conviction and conference flowing impeachment addresses: LEMON … presumes our injury - clean inclination - the driver over his head careens an extermination of the bowl decoration and asks where he withers? Idling managers sneer the hand-cakes fortune allowance. Taking the m-head's word that ear to ear pole-vault dances presumed a historical continuation ... and die they won't. The chlorine of the carpet of the castle stronghold of a pole-less empire principle [yes] is closed. It makes in the leaves where traffic [bin] 20% attaches awakening parties,
a jumper bee-bee heals it.
[[[For hurry mate, mote yell one gravel yur miniature]]] baskets [vortex its incompatible with barbarian double helix-ists - journeying to their maggot portion with resistance]. Up their machine they limned in a stench of red hats, young = eatery, and dependence a whisper-barn. Octopuses in many American obsession troves, to the spirits undergoing zeppelins, targets, orphans; a union of unshorn compulsory candlelight.
Artists under the trees crying non-smiling Sir Harvey Oswald: Machine guns without clothing, gasping, or a prism to feed the otters - military porridge motionless ventricular toys - crocodiles are cultural critics. Let us and somebody else created the category of intimate yet: while waiting for the bus 42 also cannot preach - in a light bulb, as Gymnastic Jesus Gloves - match or turning point khaki jihad children connectives suture [see the steep few wetlands like to invest; in a group of 10,000]. Equivocate, join the future! Faith and the flow of the meat-moths imperils state undress: in Lima, Peru ... or India - cleanliness is next to telephones - the extermination of the boss, the cab driver careens burp pulchritude rodeo joy, bowling and defecating in the winter wind, where do you think? Idle hands, unmanageable toes - wedding cakes laughing at the mortgage. Word of the shooting Moron - bread/cheese polarity - it's safe to dance at the drive-in history of discontinuous... unless you die. The emperor's donut is full of wholes - less empire principles [for example, a goat on the magic carpet in center of the known universe] is closed. Where the traffic that [blankets] leaves 20% of the artists created at their wakes attachments
juniper-bees healing with belief.
Come on dude, [[[Fork at]]] basketballs [hurried miniature dust graves screaming matrix of the helium bubbles constructed of our barbarians - plagiarists! - the resistance] and is incomprehensible within their own parboiled goat to the maggots. Limned in red hats, they stink of the museums of the machine, Tongue = Restaurant, and the independence day in a whisper - born in a communist barn. Soul, dirigible goats, an orphan; unshorn force through a combination of candied America's obsession with a lottery octopus in tropes.
Which, the harzburgite Oswald artist under the no-path or the wooden one? The machine gun which the clothing is given to trigger, pants, or does not have the prism? Militia porridge is motivic venture, says the crod, if culture's dieing anyway. Of intimacy the know nothings lease categorically cremated vapor: but 42 isn't canceling rations in a light bulb. Agreed on the cross-leveled mattress cancer - matching the pickelhaube unto the chilled bald eagle. [seals staple feud-lands, lick the intestine; inner groove of 10,000]. Truthfully, forget the buttresses! Faith is a boil. It makes dangerous as breeding the socks off Sylvania: my next-door doomsday chain and monkey. The extreme of the Gaza; the west still Schlieffen areas purring pewtered - doling decanters in the slave-belt, that's where. Trillions of terrific tots'd tell - marriage license icing the pure, or else what? Blurbs of the upfront faithful companions - beard/crease solidarity - safe of 's' which dines in chronicles of dishcloths. Can they die off? Lets make whores of hierarchies, little glazes on 20% of their dunkin plantagenet. [Forage ample. A coat onto majestic incisor - off a noun in verse]. See the rafts carrying career slips to the chum bucket of moist eyed hopers, yet
juneberries helping in the mind-house.
I know, I know...
The hamburger itch thunder quartz site moss balding artist nose swath of the woolen ore mutation gums itch their sloth hiss riven tooth rigged slants our doves nor haven the prison militant pours rid grist mote victorious veins adventure splayed thief crud if cultured wings lie anyway in intimations of nouns note wings lacy greased cats allegorical matted cream neighbors butte forth to isthmus camels ceiling nations in a righteous pulp? Greed once the evil lead cross buttress danger marching their nickel daub beans to the thrill bail beagle eels taper apples rude glands flick the intentional twine in her grove of tin houses ruefully forged their muttered dresses. Boiled faith is a doll. It makes us as dangerous as tweed ringed lockers golf vanity of Syria. My text floor brooms clay rain and money. They extrude meat of the gaze. The west is still schoolboy lies stiff as a leaf fin aria. Purposely chewing neutral tears folds linger deck antlers in the sleeveless welt trillions of hats were here the terror of golf totem hell carriage lice rage diced sense mincing the pure or lesser wheat. Suburbs of the front lines are fateful companies read creaking seeps sole polarity gaffe or stitched wines in chrome vehicles and discotheques. We cannot pry them off. So we make whole resume lettuce of inherited patriarchies brittle gazing on twin percolates golf inherent dungeon plankton like Genet. Forks rage the sample ascot ontological masculinity in scissors golfing renown inverted. Seamlessly they craft carrion careen slippers tithe churning bubbles often hoist dope and eye the bettors.
jumble of terrors kelp singing mine louse
it snows and it snows thief basilisk bald salvage their grace logs blurt shoulders and Camelot lush spectators collated our desk truckers batches of romance! As seams bled tools we cyst our glandular hero. His outrage their snakes clown oracular width much opossum ash unkempt with snouts the clang. Musical dolls busk the hive. The gland ears here read bats where tooth. Sleets ironic golf rid birds the familiar gutter triage. Most of the American hive is a rambling testicle. Shroud abide in dementia poodles switch wings flammable lewd dealers list at their apply.
summer 2009
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