Sunday, February 28, 2010

paul lambert 1999

paul lambert 1999
Originally uploaded by jim leftwich
Going Fishing near Borée

Hi fishing combo nation trams waiters satire stylish smooth wrestlers skin sleepy villages of chemos small towns Jacob visited burgers large wallets of cash three minutes from now reality $1,000.00 prize please apply submission here in your own words why suburbanites barbecue in their backyards beefsteak while dogs attend the family avant-garde players faces drip with the meats juices looking blindly at the moon barking

This has happened to me before. A while back another guy at work named Bob came up to me and told me he had a dream where we were on a road trip in a convertible top down. Bob was driving and said I was sitting there telling him stories backwards. It fits because Al sent me Thrilling Wonder Stories where he had noted the text by Henri Nutter and highly recommended it as the first instance of a reverse narrative story he had ever read and I had read it the very same night Bob dreamed of our road trip.

Everyday Julian juicy unequivocal encyclopedia beautiful cell phone renaissance called canned chili beans however massive sheep summon the courage to approach the supermarket as hungry animals do embracing Al Czbrgriec's understanding of Helgul's "empathy of logic" or something similar I forget in the fluorescent gaze of watching them in these empty confines of the mountains of France (flies) babel ling; renewed

Gerald Jambon draped in eggs running before us we have entered a new world of figgy-Fique feeling music echoes vacuum blankness silence and end of public expression cattle crowd the fences sure that someday the salt lick will be renewed have faith in your renewal cattle faith until early in the morning you trample the fence and break into the shed and lick salt to your tongues delight.

Hi fishing native being words towards Tibetan titans accidentally fly in the air confused through babbling brooks damp worrying deep constructs gradually mental structures best left on a bench in a park not far from here while I study reasonings from afar dropped in a gully huddled worrying anger unfavorable publicity deep below the surface unmoved silent spirit floating watching from on high above the bare trees and brown fields below

Hi good fishing ponds Pyramide du Louvre ignoring the occupying Nazis two girls played in a friendly manner both visually and thematically modernist cousins wish battle world events in places writing on water a moving story of heart in the face of Glowball Worming my hillside retreat mirrors the undulating struggles of so many mountains in France the hillside dolmen

Hi John, Thanks here's Hi Silver bear claw fishing combo nation trams waters encore seats his last birthday and flees the occasion stylish tight smooth wrestlers skin sleepy village of Metz/ Semécourt chemos small town Jacob visited Wittgenstein's Burgerhut his large wallet of cash three minutes from now please mission here lovely romantic comedy in mountains of France Clermont-Ferrand

Hi houseboat fishing in Utah approaches tax contributors generosity now unsuccessful expressions of love for his company will remains yours forevermore associated with a moderate court wanting people to understand that a false negotiator Al Czbrgriec broke down sobbing piling mattresses chairs and tables shut inside shouted through the door a stunned analogy which perhaps he understood but left me puzzled somewhere in the mountains of France actually near Borée

Working nights the young foreign language scholar got a job at a psychologist's office he is captain of re-attaching arms to shoulders with velcro for quick easy removal later on and is tempted when the boys duties follow a future designed under the corrupting influence of his employers adherence to convention conformity and tradition triggering impossible longing for the solitude of the mountains of France near Borée

Mysterious kind woman capturing executive husband's Al Czbrgriec's collective dysfunction in their residence issues of trust and goodness virtues healing raising the child the question becomes one of her career in a mid-life quest for satisfaction conveying a beautiful nomadic journey of romance in the remote French town of Borée which has survived the death and destruction of the war with perhaps a price the drunken reveler Claude at the foot of the cliff notes the death of hope

Going Fishing near Borée
Paul Thaddeus Lambert
February 20 2010