Tuesday, November 10, 2009

steve dalachinsky

crankshaft sans hubris
(evan parker solo set 1 the stone 10/1/09)

the breath
again the breath
then somewhere inside
the skillside of the skull
thru the right ear
deep mutterin’ voice
then the breathing again &
crankshafting the unoiled squeal
& a round tome & startling eon
almost smell the fumes of eon –
template plate plate
con temp late plate plate
shift saa maah tra mantra
falls into itself plate a shifting plate
quake fast a state of frequency now frequently wheard
plate scramble ribbble adrift
cir cu la tion
con fluence / in flu ence

fluency \ deliverance
abandon me(a)nt controlled
“nice work if you can get it”

relatively speaking choice cuts
promiscuous roundling
oopsi daysical charged depth arivering
unafraidible audiobility
solace so laced the will to -
the skilled skull no longer a factor but facts
prime primalitous meating
once again a phonetic call away from contact with -
from the other side of distance.

dalachinsky nyc 10/1/09