Monday, November 09, 2009

steve dalachinsky - a slow drift

a slow drift
(evan parker- mark dresser –jerry hemingway-
Herb Robertson @ the stone set 2, oct. 4, 2009)

a slow drift
a certain whiteness in the space
a certain pure streaming
capturepulting loopool fixed eyes
unspoilt texts
knowing sawing sorting thru lesions
legends allegiance to legion of everyness
barrrrr AH cuuuuuda’s kudos strip the AIR
of nonessentials lead off conundrums & all/theres

belying here where a camera can only capture
the stillness of the movement of the moment
antennae e’er alert to the oncome of onslaught
where it pours the fixed eyes staying ever fixed as even
the heads themselves begin to roll.

RED ALERT RED ALERT - the engines arrive
the plinging piping barreling & barpoling
have set the house afire
& now regroup themselves adrift mid-stream
unda-loopool dark that is – the whiteness of their

dalachinsky nyc 10/4/09