Wednesday, April 01, 2009

sheila murphy and jim leftwich

chattel to be moved are moved by. and coordinates mid-play (semitones) endure positional inferno as if only. maximus leviticus cuss cram clot cordon bleu wing poses. trapezey and lush new. blancmange enforces zilch. you guessed. shovels to the groove are movies to the glove. coax dinner amid playful semicolons. lonely gifts during atonal posit the feral nose. pew cha rit able wax custard bicuspid and levitate the lottery musk. blues or don't. ping pong sneezes the zebra hand. management blankets newt leash rapid forks. gulch the segue message. patches seize (up) cinches yes? tongues (umbilical sweat). commiseratum blendily un-bland confederama take-off plunder plunge plug platinum plu-parfait. went down to the crossroads, wavelength plumage bets carbon wrist, the risk of momentary spoons. comma comma comma turns out to be breath mark subject to gravity (tas). surely the banner leap of these minute dimensions, oilily and drog plaque on the willow even stevedore comes clear to bonus some unnamed iniquity. leaves match since a cup of eyes. stylistics errata commingle the friendly puns, feet-wand and the drama of conifers, under the baker's lung in luggage dozens golf (lately plumes). pardon their common fate. complicit peach prints conking. each burns subterranean tube-murk (sophocloes), which levity as, a plague of boiling dogs. sun in the window. when cones leer? onus of bones evermore, inflammable inquiry. botu brahmin barricades (some barriers) stone (walled off) censure in a manner of diminutive momentum. cross-talk as wave tonnage triste yet carded in a 'loon (stunned sweet). mobius strips and brands cascade. mesoamerican bark, carriers of the snail tone. boxy vortex titular in frames and thus the hassle back in biz new part of overclay in play the symptoms overtune. saxophone cortex? lark husk in flames.