Sunday, April 26, 2009

Collab Fest 18 - 04.22.09

- solar-powered noise by loyd padgett on the sidewalk in front of the studio annex on kirk ave.

- we dressed ralph in a suit of art. layers and wraps of old collab fest sheets. hugo ball. transformers. a temporary autonomous zone sandwich board. a maneuvering board as a mask. the number 7 for a nose.

- we walked down kirk to jefferson to campbell, to the boarded-up old woolworths building. matt ames, brian counihan and beth deel made videos.

- tuesday night email from ralph: The plan will be to meet at the Water Heater at the usual time, 7pm, & then go to to Brian's studio, aka the studio annex, at 16 Kirk Ave. At the studio, I'll cover myself with the collaborative images that we've made so far, like a suit. Then we will go out, and walk around the block, to the Campbell Mart store front (see attached photo). At that location, Jim & anyone else will begin removing/tearing off pieces of the "suit of CF images", and staple them to the plywood storefront. I think that we should arrange them to read T A Z ... temporary autonomous zone. Once we're done, we walk away, & return to the studio annex, then the Water Heater. That's the basic plan.

In case anyone is unfamiliar with what T A Z means, check out this link ...

I think that this public action is a manifestation of creating a temporary autonomous zone, & leaving the message T A Z behind as a self-referential sign of the action, points to an idea that is fundamental to collab fest's ideology. This ideology links to the other flash mob public events that some of us have participated in recently ... the pillow fight & the big wheel race.

- back to the studio annex, then to the water heater. ralph handed out a stack of “tales from the zone” pamphlets made by the los angeles chapter of the cacophony society in the early 90s. (laundromat poetry readings and other anarchic public interventions…) i handed out cards with this event score printed on them:

LaMonte Young - Composition #3 1960

Announce to the audience when the piece will begin and end if there is a limit on duration.
It may be of any duration.

Then announce that everyone may do whatever he wishes for the duration of the composition.

(beth deel performed this twice. one response: sit quietly. watch and listen. be respectful, responsive and responsible.)

- beth took a bunch of the cards, along with some add-and-pass collab fest fake dollar bills, to distribute around town.

- improvised guitar and synth noise by loyd padgett and david frost.

photos by aaron bensen, ralph eaton and sue leftwich.