Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Collab Fest 13 - 01.28.09

anarchist subjectivity, collaborative quart bag collages, cut-up protest poems, gestural photography, plans for the marginal arts festival (ubu enchained by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective, a day of sound and visual poetry, green candles hatchets and ribbons…), lee melozzi’s proposal for art recycling bins, the art of shit, preparations for the nothing is real / the real is the impossible / impossible is nothing anti-spectacle (eta / tba), an homage to yves klein (for his exhibition at the iris clert gallery in april 1958, klein chose to show nothing whatsoever, called la spécialisation de la sensibilité à l’état matière première en sensibilité picturale stabilisée, le vide ((the specialization of sensibility in the raw material state into stabilized pictorial sensibility, the void)) (fyi || diy), tables floors ceilings lamps walls fans doors corners heaters cords ladders mirrors and chairs