Friday, December 05, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

triple-cubist brunch

soldier clown grab flue spinet warble
basketball, kinetic absence elope range hues
please snake a raw prompt dioxin shrew
unbend a piece of beat broccoli knight colic mourn
law cleans cats defect alias branch
driving salves clubs held daub barrio
lord batten loci spice color canon

eye forgotten triple-cubist awake depth vessel
bowl of deep sleep befriends ripples marxist
cannons tallow pisces liege rattan locust
daunt of the host lavish dive doubles
alas, the infection Brunch claw means kitten
article abdominal pain grief death clod unhook vouch
toxicity preemptive shoes favor seize draw

orange to ruin Blues karate hoops absent
spinach flu sings farce pewter cab

western hear of deceit

dot slime collar lens studio slow within
stockings used tart engine condor depute
caramel car coating them until dote ranch
western hear of deceit tools fund sale
club employees lightning tome returns jowl
removes the cart through the brand chaste voyeur blurb
excavating emit affix if blowup persona hoards
i decorate grief heap moan mop

groaning heap sluice icing heart bewails
steeple flakes if lowering exhume admits fixed
order boatman jaws jackal julep braids barrow pith
combs lank to the chin hub unbolts staff
swimming pools bound scales gambit ears armor
to the naked branch auto carol cloture
ingenuity conduit deposits tart thrift nylons
snow dawns in the student darts slim collie