Thursday, December 11, 2008

John M. Bennett


half the sinker plunged your face
half the bomber plunged your clock
half the layer plunged your issue
half the blower plunged your inner
half the yogurt plunged your timehole
half the cracking plunged your horse
half the twilight plunged your suit
half the lumber plunged your fistula
half the crystal plunged your darkness
half the soapscum plunged your folder
half the listed plunged your dogbone

Singing Clot

clot half crystal while you tremble
clutch half foaming while you listen
crap half soaking while you nodder
craw half leadweight while you spit
crotch half itching while you phonebook
crutch half splinters while you argue
cloth half pistol while you amble
cue half pointed while you mumble
crumb half mildew while you singing

Coughing Craze

craze the saucisson with your scissors
crave the salade with your slapping
brave the fondation with your fumbling
save the traduction with your treason
name the canard with your calling
blaze the maintenant with your maintenance
buzz the coffre with your coughing