Monday, December 08, 2008

collab fests 1 - 9

collab fest 1: 07.31.08

cell phone poems by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective and john m. bennett, collaborative collage, an acoustic set by members of the magic twig community, an exhibit of posters, paintings, drawings, texts, assemblages and other artworks by members of the magic twig community, soft sculptures by ralph eaton, books and notebooks of mail art and visual poetry, and a numerological fluxus poem for bill o'reilly

photographs by sue leftwich, aaron bensen, jim leftwich and ralph eaton

collab fest 2: 08.27.08

collaborative collage, notebooks and books of mail art and visual poetry, a stencil painting by geoff conley, cell phone poems by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective and john m. bennett

photographs by sue leftwich, aaron bensen, suzun hughes, jim leftwich and ralph eaton

collab fest 3: 09.15.08

two performances by id m theft able, bike love by loyd padgett, a collaborative video by witcyst and id m theft able (“tilda”, mang disc #44), cell phone poems by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective, collaborative collage, stencils by geoff conley, assemblages by lee melozzi, sculptures by ralph eaton, notebooks of mail art and visual poetry – all in the context of a tribute to pete haskell

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest 4: 09.24.08

vinyl laceration by loyd padgett, videos by matt ames, a slide show by geoff conley, post-neo absurdist cell phone poetry, collaborative collage, and an exhibit of yard sale signs

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest 5: 10.08.08

situationist films provided by matt ames, noise by loyd padgett, collaborative add and pass mail art, text/image slide show by ralph eaton, assemblage by geoff conley, post-neo absurdist cell phone poems, books and notebooks of mail art and visual poetry

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest 6: 10.22.08

music by the situationist and nancy and 2 meteors, films provided by matt ames, paintings and assemblages by geoff conley, lee melozzi, and dj dickie, collaborative collage, notebooks and books of mail art and visual poetry, bible babble display by ralph eaton, costumed performances by everybody

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest 7: 11.05.08

doug shelor and paul thompson, percussion, loyd padgett, vinyl laceration, collaborative sheets provided by jeff crouch, anti-war text/image notebooks by ralph eaton, booklets, TLPs, and broadsides of visual poetry and mail art

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest in the park: 11.08.08

collab fest at the magic twig community's superfriends festival in elmwood park, 11.08.08, in celebration of the opening of the taubman museum of art. a six-hour exchange of energy and ideas, featuring collaborative spray painting with young children, leaf and twig painting, distribution of loyd padgett’s collab fest postcard (promoting “performance art, experimental noise, collaborative collage, video installations, sound sculpture, and cell phone poetry”), and painting my alphabet stencil vispo suit for the salon’s presentation of “the unknown” (“an experience based storytelling environment that dissolves the boundary between artist and audience”). an art party in the park.

music by:
the young sinclairs
the sad cobras
sound houses
hot lava
reading rainbow
turbo P
the bastards of fate
root stone

photos by sue leftwich and ralph eaton.

collab fest 8: 11.19.08

le dolphin fantastique by the roanoke film collective, surrealist films from matt ames, guitar/systhesizer improvisations by david frost, cell phone poems by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective, an exhibit of earlier collab fest pieces, text/image and collage works, the live matter tonerworks series from reed altemus, notebooks of mail art and visual poetry, ephemeral underwear balloon sculptures by ralph eaton

photographs by ralph eaton, sue leftwich, aaron bensen, and jim leftwich

collab fest 9: 12.03.08

an exhibit of cured teddy bears by ralph eaton - and the costume of teddy bears he's making for the cabinet of curiosities show, ambient sounds by jesse beaman, collaborative collage, guitar/synthesizer improvisations by david frost, notebooks of mail art and visual poetry, cell phone poems by the post-neo absurdist anti-collective, long conversations about fluxus, world-class art museums, the upcoming marginal arts festival, and related tangents

photographs by david frost, jim leftwich, and ralph eaton