Wednesday, November 12, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

Defamation Hell Yogurt

Clutch spin project whilst atoll stencil
Annihilate stick slag overt libel bell
Foist on eating clasp wit isobar

Lunatic trout wonders bandaged gills boll pueblo picket
The uterus secret nutmeg mythic sorrow hawk portal
Save tree short outsiders first roost bayou

Go away, the owl sigh seethes stump sallow
His dump wanes loops teeth period
Pooch flowering parody veins their stolid

Hollow colors of flowing stubble thigh between howling
The baton rooster amount teems dugout
Hock fallow pistils covert uterus kestrel

Packaged tolls public discus manic snout
The latch pity isomer maw ingest hoist

Defamation hell yogurt slug sick indigo
Pencils for coral reef span hutch frock

Wealth And The Owl

Style in the world slit quarto clank
Cruise only teeth tufted brood whoop

Books rattle flour cost pour cereal
Waggle bangsā€¦ known towers smog onyx blaze

Corpse disturbance clue native riches fowl
Prism garbage lesions vernal long rough

Mime wrung inhalation build remit mare
Excel shit apse regret cuckoo hulk

Bulk egret cooks feces conceal lapse
Sachet building filly rungs inhale limes

Wrong trough, eternal schism trash lessons
Dative wealth and the owl copse fracas cue

Pixie tires smug fangs wrangle koan
Serial dour coasts battle sour balk

Wu, drinking bear deceit crud tense
Slut room jungle book planet onto style

Square Light Rose

Avoid shark spelling fruit julep abject
Quaff a natural pink bottle schism fifth
Waiting forth hugs car luck part encase
Tube your moth edible exceed fez
White horse square marsh ravish affair
Divot saddle cubit grain target rosin
Vocal recipe fever scarab tumble works
Subtract blue cheese frame state pooh
State famous porch pluck cheese biscuits
The framed moon recites craze voice
By somersault scarab davit pommel cubic
Grape argot roster square light rose
Harsh extortion case casket eyes mouth
Freeze more than food untold tea wait
Good luck as the pack blinks inborn waif
Division Fruit miser spills eschew shaken

Haste Swims The Cat

Crisp embroidered turtles snide indict burn
TUBA passed to Sphere cruet champ rugged
Orient Oracles wound haste swims the cat

Kangaroo haiku eye seizure pelvis dogged uproar beside

Curd zero peahen torpor optimum noodles
Feasts miserable stealing metric vowel chairs
Morsel of food fights scheme retain bah
At least myopic fauna degree haggle portals

A bold ladle, the port's degree beast pyrrhic sauna

Baja system maintenance nibble broil coffee
Statistical gut Chow breast thieve woeful
Opium weak nod peaches scour nadir

Next to the tenacious disturbance face allure pelvis

Gnat soon swamp sound disorients easel

Cruel champion, crooked ego cubic therefore passage

Accused of fake vomit sewn tulips whisper

The Polka-Axis

Waterloo acrid ate rivers coup died
Father infinite pillow haw mallow cull
The polka-axis oaken hoof grill dodge
The existence of the saddle reform gifted
Purse brisk task wealth untold togs
Ransom takes a while edit stir lumps
Legal equality entitles loan impend throne
Up truck, pistol seize cyclical lawful
Fake illegal circulation primp tricks pistil
Throne loans fail equal title lethal dupe
Plump audit scandal drunk awhile transcend
A lot of clothes, wreaths risk nurse disc
Badge fooled talent waddle deform resist
Oaken reconsideration roof draw axial past dots
Pouch slaughter fee finite bride sallow
Riven said of the soup waterloo acid freight

Attention Lounge Editor

Weft prefabricated house, pallor motor dub
The cursor is apparent cave fast edict dram
Porous lose excavation suckle slap fair slap
Attention Lounge Editor: rhyme soil grange
Hats the gaucho wimple hedge tick hedge
Gorse stable salami navel cringe spinal
Fang patina voice newel chock atom clock
Spackle loose tones warren unseat menu
Wars usurp the menu timbre demote tackle
Atomic jewels matador vespertine ice canine
Spine, belly button couch stale salamander horse
Dimple fence tricks impact paunch loathe
Grain meter foils inform scrounge audible
A pair of cheek buckles sonorous exhume abase
Quick damage and punishment censor overt craves
Pale muscular dub preface left villa left villa

Work Clothes

The rest of the trope matrix thence spade mumble
Ruins the North Pole, depressed rhea taco escape
Infection cabbage notation boom thick mute
Fibrillate evil pixels flake vision flake natal
Desk placid coffin in coffee dosage pinto class
Fried octagonal bubbles babbles snag jock core
Work clothes and deceived squeeze knob venom scrub
Sailing knife xylophone knife cram goats wish
Bearded grammars fish knives voyage xylem
Scabs fondle poisonous wring frock outwit
Jack of snores effort scores effort octane froth
Penitent nose gloss disk batch rose glass safe
Jiijil vision fatal fetal vision pica tibiae cuss
Wicker thumbs broom numb noted jab infect
Tarmac escapade rheostat polar decamp mope
Eyes tumble paddle thump rump matzo normal