Thursday, October 16, 2008

steve dalachinsky

to exit
( evan parker / ned rothenberg duo @ issue project space 10/13/08 )

to exit
thru a mirror shaped like a shield
in one piana & out an other
upright & grand
bellowing below speakers
in unattached lamplight
bags of soil @ your feet
shards of sound ground like dust
into the flooring

this is the aftermath of everything
bailout crisis crash
loose time between changes
loose change all one can hope for
pockets shuttered tight

if shield be a mirror
there is little to protect us
to shield us from
until pitched sound shatters
the unilluminated hourglass that makes up
the larger percent of recorded acts

- gull behind a garbage barge
moving out to sea - crying.

dalachinsky 10/13/08 nyc