Thursday, September 11, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

Hoax stop falling

Spring-porn darken nimbus nasal
Knell undersea mattock winged bliss ionize
City axes corporate hope gall table
People mynah maraca sprite salon stone

Infants drink bulimic mound draw mare
Hoax stop falling memoir marble cigar
Kleenex bar eulogy wobble yeah lone
Free insurance building unhook gaff tart

Garage hooks tariff built insure unpaid
Yes lonely alarm vowel chinchilla epilog
Tobacco cable tremor halt vixen sag
Crawling the mound bare anoint pewter tassel

Spirit stoic talon maraca blimp rabble
Diamond fable and cope axis finite burg
Ironic happy wings attack seabed bell
Halo erosion of naval borne within sprig

Our Company

Our company bleeding addle corral oats
Tango is excited Laden grim cream cavort
Zebras brutally proliferation sublet foible mote
Clergy opposed phyla quirk spleen geek
Bookies, including heavy footsteps brogan large brown
Fearsome hunting eviction unseen fulfill win
Azalea rain escrow drama heave eyelet
Chute match injury touch grit dig
Excavating a touch of courage injure fit autumn
Heave a small hole drama escrow azalea lineup
Invisible accomplishments Win hunt awful evict
Brogue big brown bookie embed slog
Greek whims of the spleen phyla averse cleric
Mote charter foible cruel zebra spread
Bolt cruel cream laden tango astir
Oats rotten Ranch firm ours bled

Buckle Down

Lamps hidden wasp trump spout degree
Opium times the impression rape tepid sleaze

Gags manners zebra plush seek elixir
Tunggigi crocodile revue void than trunks

Time dedication bang crud clasp meal
Deli brilliant Lyric willful bin pro

: ASCOT oxygen bunker hen oval funnel
Subway enter crawl muslin feint scarab

Contained moseulrin soettong guriryu awl metro indoor
Chicken funnel Over mascot oxygen bunkum

Premeditation bineulwihan deli ire pomp
I do not want to buckle down to eat terribly gang votive time

Trunk than invalid revue crock strum
Seek sewing panacea page zebra manor

Lukewarm despicable rape boat scowl opiate
Thumps degree eruption wasp ramp stash