Sunday, August 31, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

baton fog recipe

vowel near mettle shotgun baud decal mew
review poach marsh your tandem bursar
dud chin salad jonquil pier demote comics
immune puddles alter night vital supple
cumin gumbo smell color hoot snore clot
construct quaint tangles lap expend quarto
baton fog recipe glop slung impute boot
caliper peek toot caliph pectin flop onto slang
dog batten recipe rooms above the knee
ammunition equate afoul built coyote moot
clotting candid gumbo odor i think an important
criminal poodle knight ultra cartoon immune
emotion wharf coolie quanta bulbous and hints
pulsar tannin swamp your gulf renew poaching
shogun maraud morale settlement bars tears

turf tooth

truth curt node type inspire tea aloft
code his sofa is tiffany tweak prep
whim ample coarse observatory dim
pearl rich claret link pouch quark north
pole pick ego hove feast cast in the tank
dotage clad hoarse a shortcut to choose
small clams scuba fame notice clarity
pet to the knives goblet gambit engine
that gleans rising maggots upturn magick
meant auburn engine feet stratagems
eclair gerbil hives cubic reputation rotates
scrimp dam hoot dementia in the wild
trunk stint beast rove self religion quart
arctic ouch ranch lariat links course dimple
gazebo acute preparation phlegm tweet
withal tiff his height of the sky in daggers
hype imbue league turf tooth nose

the temptation

haunts page prison oakum bard shadow
tacit flames comeback galosh tousle hypo
anger ruled sonnet enamor sisal trod
elapsed cast deer wine debase dote
bombed coax repress decree stare bald
minimalist pink wallet spume herbal rebut
dead narrow rifle grammar tie evolve
aeon rats so disease wrangle clan desist dune
hands resist sand runes casein dative jute
lie grams revolution arrow musket wad
opponents verb is a bubble purse wench wheat
ordinance bail stairs press cocoa blonde
toe droop the prized wines lapse stint stag
the temptation to walk marine irate sonnet ridden
hairy poem caboose tousle facet rejoin flange
bird got to shadow pagoda clink house