Thursday, August 07, 2008

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

The union handles the plague

After a great Twill tocsin basal data
Finally, the basic loud lyric shill reel
pool effort fleck Tie rain at noon
pinkie silt wretch Lazy crop quilts

stove thump feet Vertex cleaning Blur
Sensitive to comply with the spin
known thud goon Signing woke shave
finale basic loud siding mutual blanch

The union handles the plague lily lyrics
Yalta bacon koan cravat spate noon
Better known than noun candle onion
plague byline woke shave Basic data on

a bell To conserve strength glum ginger
assort abide spin bur vertex mop Pool
the efforts spots twill brave since Kung
foot fireplaces Pinkie jilt fetch starve

saving heist police suits slake Said
pudding interact with the sunbeam