John M. Bennett
Jump Jump
jump an clod demp slugger foolnt table
foolnt grass spleading in yr suit short claw
short peel number slag ,a dribbling nigh yr
nigh sandal cowered in the ballast hole
ballast glowing with yr shirt an grunting tool
grunting leg pyre salad thrusting lac
thrusting glantic lettuce isolation of the
of nagger bread doubtless hanging soup
hanging debt plundor sweety flat yr
flat toothache scalded like a dung
a pencil floated mindly apathetic crystal
apathetic puzzle cruddy with yr nap goat
nap wire swivels toward yr neck ghost
neck toilet tumbled past the heavy jump fog
jump an clod demp slugger foolnt table
foolnt grass spleading in yr suit short claw
short peel number slag ,a dribbling nigh yr
nigh sandal cowered in the ballast hole
ballast glowing with yr shirt an grunting tool
grunting leg pyre salad thrusting lac
thrusting glantic lettuce isolation of the
of nagger bread doubtless hanging soup
hanging debt plundor sweety flat yr
flat toothache scalded like a dung
a pencil floated mindly apathetic crystal
apathetic puzzle cruddy with yr nap goat
nap wire swivels toward yr neck ghost
neck toilet tumbled past the heavy jump fog
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