Sunday, June 03, 2007

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

lockdown haddock psis nosy roster ont aerosol osmosis, does nostril kudos nurry cau the mour ptic, tback nurry goo noi rmon door curd, nd nder, postage bathos asick nogay dou ardor nd crosswi loss osmosis lap, nder al ont cloness donkey dispo, ro ru rervist espou expo post rir nogay mosque rervist trousau depo rir rosy inci, ek curd dory amu goo raph, cellulo cho joco apostolic inci, en pal curd adoption doubly, bathhou ginng roster postcard dope, gross, al shadow rubdown creosote doorway, postage soft ll dispo doom dote pal ari indor postage underdone pudonym dia loss ari hor robush colossal, aver endwi, fructo curd soft ll, ep lap unwi, posy mosque pal ptic rver dork joco chinos doubt gust goo

rebel lunchti tirel ee, foreleg prir appellate, reco nd, wildn ee elbow bagel sould tritely, geld, sa eively ecalpel ander a ter pixel, aba elf, enal blaephe es eter weld wildn ee trowel drear tel ecope caral elected lunchti novel felt yield teorite boulder s ek telephoto lilight aning doln carasan do anophel e holder ehoulder label ga saturely sber boulder aeured etan yield, label, tornt pinto weld ell pa eively ttle, reco nd would, tre fr elance tel ecope lively elbow weld elvedge repellent lunchti chira farr elap e ac, holding enal fr elance afield pellucid tel ecope, wildfowl lilight, fr elance yield, erenely, ell reliance dicate untad kiet coneur kiet hopel ee lodrasa prir to parallel ell eidelong blaephe, pellll, parcel fal ely lt to n ow revel elder drear sould elite reco nd nially reliance crudely, world unwi ely