Monday, April 23, 2007

John M. Bennett


block o belt o bring o bunk o beast
o lunk o lock o lick o lag o loom o
off o own o only o om o omelet
o cough o crap o corn o con o cream o
kwack o kwick o konk o kant o krak


what’s dinging in the laundromat what’s
singing in the towel sack what’s wringing
in the back seat what’s cringing in
the drum sudden what’s flinging in the
stammer flute what’s singeing in the gland
heaven what’s hinging in the flaming crust
what’s inching in the aimless dinner


broke the boot your clocking
smelt stroked the suit your
hocking felt soaked the sweet
your locking left croaked the
crack your docking doomed sang
the sunk your stocking sank
groped the gut your blocking


ask what
itch what clung
what phew what mange
what crisp what game what
log what nits what change what
clue what knot what name what spill
what it what that what not what crash
what pile what or what yes what grunge what


whip that
crest that neck
that bench that glue
that snore that inch that
crawl that bod that nest that
geese that fell that said that hiss
that claw that bomb that hum that shoe
that glop that meat that drug that hip that


bray nor cloud
nor him nor loud
nor grim nor sound nor
skim nor don nor fine nor
grasp nor line nor hash nor dime
nor suit nor whine nor crash nor ash
nor loot nor dumb nor nod nor haul nor
gin nor done nor gnash nor he nor bunch nor


batch of flatness
match of sagging cash
of dragging book of hanging
clutch of droning mist of bawling
tooth of crashing duck of rolling hash
of drooling beet of changing rash of strolling


long dunk loop and
pie sank soup and try
flank hymn and meant tomb
float and peel crank sort and
dry hemp foot and bore tend moot
and gore send wrist and play melt group
and bend moan shoot and bray fen hoot and


runner node why
slammer will why canning
drill why after tease why
shaming dunk why clamber hole why changer
moon why gassy neck why fouler dung why

John M. Bennett