Sunday, April 29, 2007

jim leftwich


Crimp epic sink. Trinsic rebar. Soap tinder nibble, apex limp and nimble, trope tend dribbler blink. Intend limber knob, knot soak barter, flex amp and thimble trot. Imp hearty note, hardly drizzle wink, burl ink crib coat winter. Windows tern. Slink topic clump and limber.



Mint pulp palpable murk. Verge surface thrum foible spectrum. Merge vulpine tulip gulp, flap sulk. Route mimic tint, gloss mice tablet vase. Purr rut, pace poise per toil and rubble, gloom plum solvent phlegm. Glint purple helix circular, perk urge volume lace. Treble lunge pineal plectrum, plump gallop flip and rabble.
