Monday, March 05, 2007

andrew topel & jim leftwich

e! gads ? my nasty gash shattered a jack a sickin' a dent in desired egnahc
rare water was fusion wishy sorta sowed my supposition (packaged dew)
pimpin' law waffle trapp'it duh tHuD "i'll" peddle my metal fist like a taught leepin' twister
keep yr "federal" memory or 'mormon lemon' , my gosh yr melon splashin' (johnny cashed)
sniper buns wets and east ah my snortle went north to seek/seep peace(y) kinda dumb
[[rowing dismember melon space] {le'mme ;o: sock'em 'till they dry eyes wit' cancer in the center
:i's: is scared uh pimple loppin' tape ((ssqquuiisshhaabbllee)) fits of lickin' G o l L y
scarce as arcs of kitties deNOUNce slobber awfull'a bummer mucus suck'em trouble
'emirc' : mark of " G um " ; ,. \{slowly "my" castle devises } M & M (slim shady) eating rap
pair'a phones uh emerse my murk crumbles "damage gamble" le'mme -stick-the-rule- ha
pills to name "the mack" fashioned in safe 'surprise' oops we dim that seal (er)) .

newts dime pin law waffle trapper bald blow
if we may dislike my comfort themselves
metal fist, as taught leep keep wine twister
year federal fractal eggs geyser gong elves

devastated gulf outlet spots in the gap in rare
desired eggnog wafer was fishy fusion sorted
snowed my belief wrapped newts dimes pink
lawyers waffle traipse bode below if we may

dislike my comfort themselves metal fist, as
taught leap kept wine twister ears federal at
fractal memory or more lemon moon, myth
of ghost year ghosts splashing join embodies

collision snips word cup roils and eastern paint
of my snorkle, went north to seek passage and
the world in a landfill newts sometimes contact
law waffle rabbit shade below it, we may dislike

my comfort themselves metal fist, as taut deep
twister sleep wine per early federal fractal bowl
wings dismember space grits limb splits tighten