Wednesday, January 24, 2007

peter ganick & jim leftwich


enroute ingestion rime on tarpit. the action
tardy politic, mundo bizzaro tundra, each
lettrist gallantry moot vanity presumed nods
trapezoidally pundit. vacant melodramas
etch double blackmail throatlessly adaptive
toggle over shoddy paradises, contradistinct
frequencies of emotile and persistent ovals.

ovals quench
distinct waggle
adapt each
nodes latter
breach hardly
traction roots

the omnibus camelot versuses not nodded
from tos on painstaked through dis-en-reg-
istration on mirrors so ductile. abrasion nets
void out imbalances wielded fanciful returns
onslaught non ethereal topos topered out
to launch on-time recall nadirs of the empty
set, viegland fracas mirrored out of salute
therefore grafted oystering moots from grain
to lambaste is vigilant once perilous no tariff

tarmac to
rain before
loot sweats
empty to
doubt sleight
turns avoid
nor strafe
legs from
knots theme

celebes kalossi coffee or instances of wide
removal tramp-steamers nodded occlusion
nor meddling with suspensional trochees
the duenna if goldier-than roommates inter-
galactic merging. weaving sainted derrida
thimble-creek bouncaries bicameral touch
andropos no boundlessness left unexploitsx.

plots and
such nimble
rides acts
enter the
trope nor
clue oval
slides cerise

peter ganick 01.23.07
& jim leftwich 01.24.07