Sunday, January 21, 2007

peter ganick & jim leftwich


from a bias offers egglessly, promo cloaks on braille ingredients
wires throw intention affadavit to a merge on slumber. roving as
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mostly saved on reptiliar nodes teeming streets. involves as ten,
then sake crimples, a dust-rack elk-horn ivory blech, viens there
onsite gordillera tempests, commercials not withstands. neon trope
so samples outside winch to cram, slipknot in underbrush added.
ubiquitous meow, trailer bloodless on trash-heap, nodding wiles
of vue on brecken das fluid. from wires beware mostly thin snakes.
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firmament, shaved reptiles and godzilla. outsider trailer maw
beckons endless fur. dust invests which blood as fluent porno?
to covert huts dreaming modal horns, commerce scam, lip ash
converge pure streaks. the very knots asleep in failing thunder!

peter ganick 01.19.07
& jim leftwich 01.21.07