Tuesday, January 16, 2007

peter ganick & jim leftwich


re the real icon, parallel to migrated, voiced
cloaks for oaken masses, flags naught with
inner vastness once imperial, once on traipsed
piracy tomorrow, clock clicks flashes meant
with allotment where for extradiction related
clogs our holiday in cambodia, quonset visibly
unfurls frosted martinets, symbians of track-
less roughness, tallies in the vacancy formal
gamblers fists clast mantra snow per omelettes
ethereality nevertheless abnegation before un-
impededness of action, refusal of trails outer
motes might snare or scorn, belated baubles
walls will ouch on staples of stakes hoarded a
motion with shock to rays numberless and foster-

peter ganick 01.14.07
& jim leftwich 01.16.07


they simulate iams-federal mutilations,
binds combs in a theorized nation, at
clouded so coldly infractious gravel rowers
abate series into volatile neuron weddings
add motes voiced over inertly neutral. on
raw graves bold infarctions shrouded such
patinas wending volition into cerise matte,
there in a combination.

peter ganick 01.15.07
& jim leftwich 01.16.07