Saturday, January 27, 2007

peter ganick & jim leftwich


1] as voice, to what-the prosit invoke
hammers gnostic saliva, boots wrestle
atomic largesse, nougat mirror telling
bitten values riven flex and heroic soap
streams tachyon, iterative locus trailer.

2] vintner of parliamentary gristle, happen-
ing in selves striated tern, clamoring in-
sisterance more'n the trellis vedette old
odd vendettas lattice and mournful stance
hammering southern stradivarius elfins.

3} pet cards so theoretically th fixative on
grails locust iterated, halcyon dreams
value-driven bitterness of tassle moot
ceiling mirrors faucet, lacrosse endemic
salida noesis trammel.

peter ganick 01.27.07
& jim leftwich 01.27.07