Sunday, December 17, 2006

jukka-pekka kervinen & jim leftwich

matrimony demure annotation matrimony ferret heretical nucleus detention ammo haywire memory relearn the director haywire morpheme, pungente eczema of the leaks return before the nuclei enough, square cut rejects the mote, diereses record of the ammo more common, freehand relearn the light vivida, relearn the leaks graceful to the careworn shoreline of memory moreover freehand egregious to the shoreline annotation, of the recent matrimony freehand theatre of agitation, of the pavement, of the whore Nemesis strictly, lecturer strictly, Nemesis heretical xylem theatre, rematch relive the repertory of religious doctrine, of memory removal heretical, mildew of matrimony, detention demure with a scythe, morpheme eczema, anemia vivida

rector, retrieval repel, glare rector bore demure, diereses pretty nemesis lecturer treasure, returnee heretical core ferret demure matrimony record matrimony retainer reminder haywire ammo relearn haywire morpheme rector, premiere returnee acre crepe eczema core pretty, crew cut repel mote, ammo record diereses commoner, freehand relearn glare, relearn pretty crepe reminder shoreline moreover freehand careworn egregious whereupon shoreline whereupon record ready, freshly freehand bore premiere theatre turmoil matrimony, share scarecrow nemesis severely whore lecturer severely, rematch heretical share theatre xylem nemesis relive returnee repertory reminder credo pore ready egregious removal share matrimony retrieval lecturer, regards acre heretical whore, scarecrow mould heretical rematch endure retrieval retainer retrieval regards demure whereupon bon mot scarecrow nemesis removal whereupon day care endure reminder lecturer mould ferret core scarecrow removal eczema bon mot pore morpheme mown shoreline commoner anemia rematch mown pore retainer, refuel retainer acre treasure glare promote regards