Wednesday, October 18, 2006

steve dalachinsky & jim leftwich

one all the same

all the same
to me
all the same faces thoughts reprints
crooks like a
scene in the book
but not in the film
where the thunder lashed & the mts. roared
yet all the same
in any case
the muddy gore of banks & manufacturers
repairs to venture forth & boys becoming men
it's all the same
quaint little bldings
lessons to be learned
& "victory to the worthy race"

whether i
lurch or slouch
soar or fall
curse or weep
it's all the same.


other verse held near

moi discussed above
construction at that point
quarrels painted the heart
variously where other verse held near
the crowded out
as it is balm-like betideled
where hence ventured
the thicket
& lost tween sceptre's kiss
well fought was as if spectre
vague lines within unbridled
such as it is

jim leftwich & steve dalachinsky 10.17.06