Tuesday, September 05, 2006

jim leftwich & andrew topel


hhover aabove ooven ttotem((mme ttoo))
ccabal aam ends yy our eending
iinto ddit to ppoke oo pen
sspoken ppe can ttasty ppoem
ppie tthey d jjust s sunk ((bbuckle jjustice))
wwith sspeech iin b bus ted
cclich ddeports llimned aages
ssoul nnoon ((nnoose oof ppython)) hhypo nnote
iinto kk not ((tton oof ''em)) ccitify llick iit
ovr n bove evn t-temic meat )( tool cobbble
y am nds ur see dling pin to [diction] cl oak
pen cillled noo sphere sp rockets pi per c-nnot
car rots pie tie they sd. jutts s kunk))
bubbly jaundice w/ spinach inches buzzard

tin ted hind use red action to purples open
zoo [cloche] rap port liminal aegis ))soulfull
moon (( nno oomen )) ssub liminal mmin i eeagle
ooar [[rrow vvs.. wwade]] oor aa nnova iin tthe nnavel
nnote:: nno mm or e aat tthe eend oof eendemic,,
tthere iss nn one eenteric mm eal ((llean mmelons))
ccubby aand ccurse ddipping ttoxic
((ttalent oof oox(((ttten ooof ???eeem)))))
tteen cclaque ll ike cchill iit
ccelled nnow hhere ooctopi ppecking ppercent %%
ccause tteeth tto aadjust ssome top
(ramen kid) spooky/measles or snow versus
shade for ((alphanumeric)) omega [inner]
gravy rapid mote? near-mere nor attic endgame
?inherently noon? concentric teal [clean] lemons cubic
handles causal diphthongs:: tax talons golfing fox?
kitten-proof spleen & dream? cellular nouns cohere
octogonal wreckage pursuant to sawtooth totality
adjudicated home (hoover) [alcove] cloven tokens
meme tattoo? oof mme?? yyou ttoo ss at oon ssa turn
jjudicator cc lone // cc lever nnever nnever lland((iing))
ooven ttake iit bbrutal hhooting aal iin hhis ccave wwith ccrew
((mmotley)) ii hh ear ssun ttell eeast ffruit

ssocket?? fflog ssyntax
sso nno thing bbut gg land
ss cub a,, ??bboss ss cab?? llamina mm in x
ttimid ii..e.. bb eagle
rroar [[aarrow ggrowing cchest wwide]] oodor aas mmesenteric eeel
tteeter && ppeal ((cclean cchubby ssands aac curse))
dd rip ping eenemy ttitan cclique
llull hhike wwith yyour ??cchilly kkit?? femur tooth.
yurt saturday spoon. slash tuna carburetor tone.
leaf fever sleeveless hand, wings over baked skeet
ritual, looting albumin huts. nave pith lure
mostly width. smear spun swollen yeast. the
suit flocks parakeet smog semeiosis

snow. nose ring buttery turban south of cuba. at
loss scrubbed cabbage minimalist llama
hex, triad of the middling ebb. eaten gleam. for
narrow growls invested, hidden doors
washed in mesoamerican steel. sweetly android
pear and teal-sheen rubber glands. at course
causal diphthongs ripple petitions slick, the
full spike of fifth and sour. null wills
flit sslitting kkill bbull
aa wwhiff oof aan hh our..
sspeak ddull oor kkick rre pet ition
bbut wwatch tthe hhen ssqueal..
ffalling mm ou th
hhurray!! ssp lash nnumerator lloaf
rrevivals ccanings vvoiced ooverawe ((rraw ssequel))
llobotomy hhave ppasture,,
mmotto.. ??sske in?? ssoloist

tthin fflorae sscoliosis ssnooze
nnonuse pprinters tturnout ccu bit ((iit iis))
lloosebox aanimalist llamas,, ttraitor hhuddling
bb eaten gglam our aarrows iin verse
ddozed iinertia ??sstal wart ly?? aaroid
rippling anima totemic cult mule microphone
within our children quit,, furry moose girt smattering
afternoon?? clash tubas interrogative
abalone,, fief leverage slippage wand?? slippers
ping-pong hovering bakers feet?? (dual roots)
aluminum guts halve within allure,, misty middens
near woolen guns, feasting the suite clocks
paragram. foggy mitosis cling nouns muttering
urban mouth, caracas at crossroads rubbery
cribbage ((mined)) alkahest grammar
pox?? trial fiddlers web streams beats. forked

howls marrow vestments huddled ((floors)) mashed
mesopotamian wheel. a week of adroit ears ((seal
& glean)), shrubbery landmines attic source. split slithers
pillage gull, atomic sniffling golf, anodyne hourly
tweak. fuel our slicker petitions about batch
thinner hems!! squeak flailing mammoth curry.
plush paginated goat-reverb spanners vocable
& thaw,, queue wolf geometry haven ((pastoral
rupture)), littoral skinned lozenge winters. lorax
when sclerotic booze. futilitarian sprint
turnstiles rabbit ((flummox isthmus goose)),,
against pajamas whistling trailer
suds?? boat attention lambent sparrow,,
everted doodles enigma, lyrical stallions of an
arid wal-mart.
ttarget ((gget rrats))
mmittens ((nnoble mmolten (((oon tten ff in gers))) ggush))
ssung tt heat er cc us p ppar ggram..
ttortoises ccleans oor bit ccravat ccross bar
rrobbed yy our rrib,, aal ham bra sslam!!
ppool ffiled mmonoamine ccheek wwheeze
ffoist cce real

eevocable tthree zzoometry aastral lload
uundo sspock ((llive llong && pprosper))
dd is pose eexerted ddog ma llibrations
aaf raid??s aalert
rippling anima totemic cult mule microphone
within our children quit,, furry moose girt smattering
afternoon?? clash tubas interrogative
abalone,, fief leverage slippage wand?? slippers
ping-pong hovering bakers feet?? (dual roots)
aluminum guts halve within allure,, misty middens
near woolen guns, feasting the suite clocks
paragram. foggy mitosis cling nouns muttering
urban mouth, caracas at crossroads rubbery
cribbage ((mined)) alkahest grammar
pox?? trial fiddlers web streams beats. forked
howls marrow vestments huddled ((floors)) mashed
mesopotamian wheel. a week of adroit ears ((seal
& glean)), shrubbery landmines attic source. split slithers
pillage gull, atomic sniffling golf, anodyne hourly
tweak. fuel our slicker petitions about batch

thinner hems!! squeak flailing mammoth curry.
plush paginated goat-reverb spanners vocable
& thaw,, queue wolf geometry haven ((pastoral
rupture)), littoral skinned lozenge winters. lorax
when sclerotic booze. futilitarian sprint
turnstiles rabbit ((flummox isthmus goose)),,
against pajamas whistling trailer
suds?? boat attention lambent sparrow,,
everted doodles enigma, lyrical stallions of an
arid wal-mart.
ttarget ((gget rrats))
mmittens ((nnoble mmolten (((oon tten ff in gers))) ggush))
ssung tt heat er cc us p ppar ggram..
ttortoises ccleans oor bit ccravat ccross bar
rrobbed yy our rrib,, aal ham bra sslam!!
ppool ffiled mmonoamine ccheek wwheeze
ffoist cce real
eevocable tthree zzoometry aastral lload

uundo sspock ((llive llong && pprosper))
dd is pose eexerted ddog ma llibrations
aaf raid??s aalert ((magnet)) hot rats gullet,, smite
mobile bolts ((spooner)) forgotten,,
then tingler mustard ((RASH Tongues)), eaten
with wasps & tarragon. torque iris celar beans, oge
nonotic aurochs, corvair crossed barbie smart mobs
in their crib. alhambra salami breakfast, hammering giants
interpol fooliage. monochrome animé checkers
speaking cheese hoist cochlea cloaca ((feelings as
real as a vocable in the eye)),, therefore biometric azoic
strata ((trailmix)) & undine Toad...... socks
packaging livers along prosperity gland,, muddy as
exalted prose, to liberate the unsaid chaff frogs
dogged magma.......ggamm a ff log ged ((iin ccameo))
mm am ma kk it ty hhogs hhalf tt he bb read
uundul ate nnose ww it h ssalt
ss tub by hh and, oos prey wwrong qquiver

((??goin?? uup rriver tto gget??er??))
cc lock oon tt he rroad
dd in ing ss nails ((tt hat sstrato sphere))
ccoke,, ook?? oohio??s ttrick ((oor ttr eat))
rrye hhe aable sshasta ppeeled [[ffeel mme,, bbro??]]
e el
tt he
yyes (((A J an uary 2005 Pew stud y on g lob al o pinion,
base d on t hat gro up’s poll ing in re cent y ears in 44
coun tries, re port ed t hat “t he rest of t he w or ld h as
be come deep ly s us picio us of U.S. motives an d
o pen ly s kept ical a bout its w or d.” It ob serve d
th at “Ant i-Ameri can is m is deep er and b road er
no w th an at an y ti me in mode rn hi story. It is most

a cute in the Mu slim w or ld but it s pans the g lobe
- from Eu rope to As ia, from So uth Am erica to Africa.”
T his in cludes people in coun tries t hat h ave be en
c lose U.S. al lies f or over 50 y ears.))) grammatical blog
gerund inner camels, mammalian
kite clogs calf. the unread postulate
moose withering faults tubular wand. clay
throng shivering groin cup flivver toad greek herbal flock??
only therein inroads diving bail. at strata
spore cookies book. oogamous flickering
door?? eat or buy the arable pasta seals.
ffeel ppast rrabble,, bbarney rrubble?s sstubble
eeye,, hheat ccore ssnickers ffamous ccooking rrookie
bborn sstraight tto bbat iss vving rrames
fflood ttin ((hhair)) llonely??

nnary ggyro kking ccoup ffly
ppixie ssly ((sstallone)) iicily
tthough [[uugh]] yyammer eear
tthe ttic rrun mud leo aaim ttug
((ssweep iit uunder the rrug)) eerica ccolludes ccorn aage
cobbler bubbles parsley marbled ballast
meal,, [cork rooster ramous knickers] score
pleated sly. same wingless wombat tootle
strangely blooms. lunar flair tiinctures mood. dye soup
forking spagyric fairy mice [ telephone stamp
easily pixels], near stammering rugs thought tongue.
maim cameo suds spun emetic thief. So far,
t he si lent ac quiescence with which Ameri cans
h ave greet ed P resident Ge or ge W. Bus h's o pen
assert ion of a rig ht to tort ure so me pri son ers
evokes mem or ies of t he un con scion able

be havi or of "o bed ient Germ ans" of t he 1930s
an d ear ly 1940s. Thank fully, de spite t he
hat e w hip ped up by ad min is t rat ion
pro pagan dists a gain st people b ran ded
"t err or is ts," poll ing con duct ed l as t y ear
s how ed t hat most Ameri cans reject
t or turing pri sone rs. Al most two-thirds
held t hat tort ure is n ever accep table. page
scorn collated erotica,, [drugs the plunder
it weeps]. wweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sspew tthat ggurgle ppresiding oover bbush

hhush rrover, iif hhis sside ssays ??uurge cc at wwept.??
ssweep ttackle ssweet mmove ssplurge ssassy dd ice
iinsidious bbassist mmassif aastir YYasser AArafat
ttoupee ttroop ppoodle rr it zy ffamous ssabot age
((llisten aall aa?y?all ? ffrom tthe bbeastie bboys))
ssob ss lab mmorph llay man nnets ((ss ten ographer))
swept hats m erge plays aside. this is. smother
plush sleep ricce class blurt gloves pleat. spackle
giraffe class aster massage, bassoon sidereal page.
boat f lames spritzer noodles dollop soup. toy
grease foams the mall. clay small glistening silence.

bonnets grapheme sentence mandible parlay,
mortal cabs & bob. ppop bback,,
bb lack mmop && ssack ss hop ((aask tt he ggras shopper))
tturtle ttell ''eem mmort ssent ''eem
mme ttense,, bbonnets oon iit ((bblue))
sseal llent ((jjay lleno''s ll ease)) aat bbo''s ggame ((mme aagain))
nnigeria eem my yy um tt hat ttummy
mmutt.. The egalit arian eth os and self-cons cious anarc hism
of m ail art m ay be trac ed to the medium s ori gins in the Fluxus
art m ovem ent of the 1960s. Seve ral
arti sts ass ociated with Fl uxus est ablished the open
aesth etic and po pulist profil e of mail art as it em erged in
the ea rly 1970s. This p opulism rem ains
the fo cus of the m ail art e xhibit ion, and the realiza tion
of m ail art as a dem ocra tic art form

has be en one of the mo veme nts chief att ributes. Sta rting
in the ea rly 1970s, when mail art was o ften
discuss ed as a pa rticularly vib rant branch
of cou nter-culture art, the
inte rnal gu idelines that still gove rn the me dium
were devel oped and cod ified. Sin ce that time, mail
artis ts have co me to define th em selves as wor king wit hin
a parall el arts insti tution, ssp ken pp ecan ttosty pp em
pp e t hey d j ust s unk ((b uckle j ustice))
w ith s peech i n b us te d
c lich d eports l imned a ges
s oul n oon ((n oose o f p ython)) h ypo n ote
i nto k not ((t on oofem)) c itify l ickit
ovr bofe ev’t-t emic m at )( tl ol co ble
y im nds er s e d’ng p n tow [diction] ch oak
pe en ci ed no sfere sp r ickets pi e pr c- ot

car t rots pie d ie the sud. ju ts s k ink))
bul bly jaunt dice w/ spine ache pinches buzz
card tine teid hond duse reed daction to purp
lest open zoote [clochk] rapt pork lime vinyl
aegist)) soulfull spoon
(nnoops llufluos ttsigea llyniv)
((eemil kkrop ttpar kkhcolc))
(((eetooz nnepo ttsel pprup)))
((((oot nnoitcad ddeer eesud))))

(((((ddnoh ddiet eenit ddrac)))))
((((((zzubbsehcnip eehcaehca))))))
(((((((wwecidtnuaj yylblub kkniksstuj)))))))
ddonor ((oon yyour hhonor)) nnosh
ddiet uunit ddraw
rrub eechini hhence -- eethnic hhen ccoop
hhector uup oon tthe eeclectic hhernia ffence
ccatecú hha-ha ccoach
eechidna ttunja hhola ((espanol)) bblue''s cclue ttul
ccheddar nninja oor hhole iin sspain
1) the artists in the refrigerator are a class of
grasshoppers & osiris. 2) the artists are

irradiated in the evenings, photosynthesis nor
coptic. 3) their prosthetic newspapers, the
copious lattice. 4) the reptiles are in the
dice - formica & resinous phosphenes. 5)
the helicopters are the artist - not their cranial
stepladders, like plywood in the wind.
5 - 2 = ww in dow-shopping, oor ffood ff or ff lies.
4 + 8 = yyour ppets bbladder.
3 - 1 = tt rains hheir ccaught iin hh air pp art.

2 + 7 = ssmelly cc hop ped-liver llike rross's ddream.
1 - 0 + mmickey mmouse = aart
((6)) in 5 weeks business painless over 30
pounds builder & hungry consultant between
desire for academic motivated cravings
50 pounds eating this pressure again habits
business working 27 pounds engineer lost
good lots retiree sex all you can eat bayou money
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unforgettable disorder in the speakers
100 courtroom mockingbird innocent sale sweet
terriers from apples timeless and
cordially seminar facelift signature removal
annual sleep flu vitamin pillow fish models free
full color business tea hotel and carbonless
cuisine stitching pumpkin 41 wings & 16

TVs wine of october game plan saturday night.
please please spin spine octagon octagon
shame shame stan stan ladder ladder
fight fight sing sing jump jump
swith switch limousine limousine
garbled garbled stress stress sand sand

go go sell sell knee knee dizziness dizziness
fabric bumper blueprint porch timeline bag abode.
parade of vacuum coupon legacy, surface fire
summit mosaic discounts sponge. votive toaster
expanding commercial pool lamps, high-
voltage credit design, downtown furniture
effectively routine echelon plumbing
flexibility dent behind the gutters. basketball
foliage accents mattress ladders. beware of

wizard glitters studio borders dicing. deposit
edible high-speed fireplace amendment today.
sstay aagenda wwired fface bbleed eeye
iincredible ccloset mmice bborders bblue ddoe
iit hher's ggizard ddove kknee//hhair
llater mmatt ssenses ffoe rrage
aask iit yy''all ((bbutter)) bblind arcologies in
the moon once old foreign civilizations
constructed tone city in mars, hoagland
reasoned, pork queue not in the moon and
the eyes same earth! aiming the spot taken
photos during the missions, including those
taken during the landings served lunar food
apollo, he discovered your vary anomalies.
on the additional investigation, he fit therein,
are found hats in bald crystalline immense cities
in the moon that if still advance that the buildings
of cydonia and group of people small, select

within our NASA probably there are known
on sheep of the principle at the space
program often! ssoofftteenn
the tone once served earth? old spot?
foreign eyes taking photos in mars.
civilizations constructed the landings still moon pork,
city, taken the same investigation not in the hats?
reasoned, moon and aiming the anomalies during those?
queue the missions, including food discovered on the crystalline.
apollo, he your bald building?
additional, he fit therein, in a small immense group.
in the moon that are found probably people
during an advance that the lunar cities select?
if of? cydonia and hoagland within our space sheep
often the principle = simple simon in september of 1992,
some days later if that unglues while observing
on mars, richard acquired hoagland spot atlases
compiled by laboratory in the science

of space for the north american aviation, incorporation. into
first look, falls photo if resembled your
following - first distance and toad, the craters and
maria. then one eye lowered you their suroriental
corner of page 241, whereto crater first Triesnecker
appeared in the collection. one photocopy the
extension bald ahead, was and knew to richard who
he taken on first measured which if had to become
the first tended stage new project of investigation
that bridge on the opening
between the earth, now
mars and the moon. this
extraordinary photo revealed unequivocal equilateral
image of triangle - foundation of the tetrahedral,
physical geometry the dynamic I saddle in the fish-teeth
hyperdimensional liquid and ovens - immortalized in two
craters into toasted centers of the moon.

- jim leftwich & andrew topel 2006