andrew topel & jim leftwich
kkn it yy our ssoup,, tt ha t''ll bbe bbl on de ll end hh in ge aa hh and,, r rat her ddim oor hhooligan sspools tt he ccruel ddude hhis ffood ggoofy pp ro of tt he rro of sshould bbe tt rim med,, ssimmer hhens && pp or k ffor king llago on oor sspo on mmy kkn if e ffor dd in ner ww in tt he ccr in ge ss pin ning iin aa vvent tt rip pp it y ll it tle lleague ggre as e ccheesy ppotato ((ppotatoe(((wwith ee))),, aal ggore)).. ssnore cc hop hhopp in g cc lip mmy ssweep ffeet nnet tin g bbet''cha tten ((10)).. knot skit and brood blood, therein since brittle chore. before leg glue winter fork-spoof lathers our ladders sour letters later latter, rather dime bagatelle thief king thief sponge breeze cheers shopping chattel. what floor drools the roof? long ago pink spittle potato suit, lip club bloody dahlia, sprouts the shrouded beat. soon advent in potage adverbial toenail myth, read em space and weep, fleet binge jewel medical brim. the knives invent ripe purity, needles net glare historical summer chord. knot chore our bagatelle shipping sprouts ago, adverbial fleet ripe chord. skit before ladders and thief, chattel pink toenail needles the binge. brood glue letters king wheat thief potato beat. read medical net blood winter, therein later sponge. floor lip soon space the historical battle lathers. dime breeze drools the dahlia, rather cheers long postage sleep. advent invents history in knives.
you convince you history you wrong you peel apart you admit you shatter you sneeze your eyes your feet you swing you dead you life you yogurt you go get your shotgun you shoot you plead you lied you bleed you flag you cry your freedom you don't know your ancestor spoke of your signals you ignore you taste you like your mother you forget you knew you wanted you have you uncertain your future you dream you get to you pass you hunt you watch your mind you mend you make you take you destroy your men you war your peace you leave you now you then you when you open your closed mouths you yell you break you call your shot you hit you love your thoughts you imprison you / we since sense our story her story your bong my wheel as part of the apartment we admire our shutters shuddering youth our knees our thighs your beats my wings the dead life is a fortress in the gut our slot and spun to boot we knead your eyes like unread weddings flog sly our freedom to barbecue the flag. convince sneeze your freedom taste. uncertain wrath-watch your closed mentation war like thoughts in a poison glove. space beats adverbial toenails medicinal brim. your glue ladders purity shrouded roof. potato red glare, sponge bursting in air, a thief ago shopping pink weeps. since sense we admire your wings the eyes evince. not your brood glue history, but the buttoned feet of your ancestors, bleeding flags and deadly signs of war. we convince we sneeze we shotgun. we taste like uncertain peace.
you convince you history you wrong you peel apart you admit you shatter you sneeze your eyes your feet you swing you dead you life you yogurt you go get your shotgun you shoot you plead you lied you bleed you flag you cry your freedom you don't know your ancestor spoke of your signals you ignore you taste you like your mother you forget you knew you wanted you have you uncertain your future you dream you get to you pass you hunt you watch your mind you mend you make you take you destroy your men you war your peace you leave you now you then you when you open your closed mouths you yell you break you call your shot you hit you love your thoughts you imprison you / we since sense our story her story your bong my wheel as part of the apartment we admire our shutters shuddering youth our knees our thighs your beats my wings the dead life is a fortress in the gut our slot and spun to boot we knead your eyes like unread weddings flog sly our freedom to barbecue the flag. convince sneeze your freedom taste. uncertain wrath-watch your closed mentation war like thoughts in a poison glove. space beats adverbial toenails medicinal brim. your glue ladders purity shrouded roof. potato red glare, sponge bursting in air, a thief ago shopping pink weeps. since sense we admire your wings the eyes evince. not your brood glue history, but the buttoned feet of your ancestors, bleeding flags and deadly signs of war. we convince we sneeze we shotgun. we taste like uncertain peace.
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